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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing D, E, 2M, T and U

AMMUNITIONEDammunitioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of ammunition.
AMMUNITION v. to supply with ammunition.
COMMUNICATEDcommunicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of communicate.
COMMUNICATE v. to exchange information.
COMPUTERDOMSCOMPUTERDOM n. the world of computers.
IMPOSTUMATEDIMPOSTUMATE v. to form or inflict an abscess, also IMPOSTHUMATE.
IMPOUNDMENTSimpoundments n. Plural of impoundment.
IMPOUNDMENT n. the act of impounding.
INTERMEDIUMSintermediums n. Plural of intermedium.
INTERMEDIUM n. a small bone in the wrist and ankle.
MEALYMOUTHEDmealymouthed adj. Alternative form of mealy-mouthed.
mealy-mouthed adj. Prone to speaking evasively, indirectly, or duplicitously; not forthright.
MEALYMOUTHED adj. not plain and straightforward.
MISJUDGEMENTmisjudgement n. Alternative form of misjudgment.
MISJUDGEMENT n. an erroneous judgment, also MISJUDGMENT.
MISJUDGMENTSmisjudgments n. Plural of misjudgment.
MISJUDGMENT n. an erroneous judgment, also MISJUDGEMENT.
MOTORMOUTHEDmotormouthed adj. (Informal, of a person) Being a motor mouth; inclined to talk too much.
MULTISTEMMEDmultistemmed adj. Having multiple stems.
MULTISTEMMED adj. having many stems.
MYXEDEMATOUSmyxedematous adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, myxedema.
MYXEDEMATOUS adj. (US) relating to myxedema, a skin disease, also MYXOEDEMATOUS.
PALUDAMENTUMpaludamentum n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) A military cloak worn by a general and his principal officers.
PALUDAMENTUM n. a Roman general's or high military officer's cloak, also PALUDAMENT.
STOMATODAEUMstomatodaeum n. Alternative form of stomodeum.
STOMATODAEUM n. in embryology, the invagination that forms the anterior part of the digestive tract.
SUMMERSETTEDsummersetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of summerset.
TELECOMMUTEDtelecommuted v. Simple past tense and past participle of telecommute.
TELECOMMUTE v. to work at home by the use of an electronic linkup with a central office.
UNTRAMMELLEDuntrammelled adj. Alternative form of untrammeled.
UNTRAMMELLED adj. not trammeled, also UNTRAMMELED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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