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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing D, E, F, H, N and T

AFFRIGHTENEDaffrightened adj. (Archaic) frightened, affected by fright.
AFFRIGHTEN v. to frighten, also AFFRIGHT.
DEMYTHIFYINGDEMYTHIFY v. to remove the mythical characteristics from (a person).
DOWNSHIFTERSdownshifters n. Plural of downshifter.
DOWNSHIFTER n. one who reduces his or her working hours.
FAINTHEARTEDfainthearted adj. Faint of heart; irresolute; fearful.
faint-hearted adj. Lacking courage; timid.
FAINTHEARTED adj. lacking courage or resolution.
FIANCHETTOEDfianchettoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fianchetto.
FIANCHETTO v. to develop the bishop.
FOUNTAINHEADfountainhead n. A spring that is the source of a river.
fountainhead n. An abundant source of knowledge, etc.
FOUNTAINHEAD n. a spring that is the source of a stream.
GODFATHERINGgodfathering v. Present participle of godfather.
GODFATHER v. to be a godfather to.
GRANDFATHERSgrandfathers n. Plural of grandfather.
grandfathers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grandfather.
GRANDFATHER n. the father of one's mother or father.
HANDICRAFTERhandicrafter n. One who engages in handicrafts.
HANDICRAFTER n. one who practises handicrafts.
HINDFOREMOSTHINDFOREMOST adv. with the back part in the front place.
SHIRTFRONTEDshirtfronted adj. Wearing a shirtfront.
shirtfronted v. Simple past tense and past participle of shirtfront.
SHIRTFRONT v. to knock (a person) to the ground by striking him or her in the chest with one's shoulder.
SPENDTHRIFTSspendthrifts n. Plural of spendthrift.
SPENDTHRIFT n. one who spends his money recklessly.
THUNDERFLASHthunderflash n. (Military) A pyrotechnic device that generates a loud noise, used to simulate battlefield conditions.
THUNDERFLASH n. a container, such as a blank shell, filled with explosive powder, which makes a flash and a loud explosion when detonated.
UNDELIGHTFULundelightful adj. Not delightful.
UNDELIGHTFUL adj. not delightful.
UNFRIGHTENEDunfrightened adj. Not frightened; unafraid.
unfrightened v. Simple past tense and past participle of flog.
unfrightened v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfrighten.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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