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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2D, E, L and 2R

BLADDERWORTSbladderworts n. Plural of bladderwort.
BLADDERWORT n. a kind of seaweed.
BLADDERWRACKbladderwrack n. Fucus vesiculosus, a seaweed in which iodine was first discovered.
bladder␣wrack n. Fucus vesiculosus, seaweed widespread in the cool waters of the Atlantic and Pacific.
bladder␣wrack n. Nereocystis luetkeana, kelp common on the northeastern Pacific coast.
DAREDEVILTRYdaredeviltry n. Reckless mischief; the acts of a daredevil.
DAREDEVILTRY n. the state of being daredevil, also DAREDEVILRY.
DISORDEREDLYdisorderedly adv. In a disordered way; haphazardly, chaotically.
DISORDERED adv. DISORDER, to disarrange.
DISORDERLIESdisorderlies n. Plural of disorderly.
DISORDERLY n. a disorderly person.
DISREGARDFULdisregardful adj. Inconsiderate, thoughtless, heedless, regardless.
DISREGARDFUL adj. full of disregard.
DRUMBLEDRANEDRUMBLEDRANE n. (dialect) a bumble bee.
GRIDDLEBREADGRIDDLEBREAD n. bread made on a griddle.
INTERMEDDLERintermeddler n. One who intermeddles.
INTERMEDDLER n. one who interferes.
LEADERBOARDSleaderboards n. Plural of leaderboard.
leader␣boards n. Plural of leader board.
LEADERBOARD n. a scoreboard that lists the names and scores of the current leaders in a sporting competition.
LIRIODENDRONliriodendron n. Any of several large North American trees, of the genus Liriodendron, that have tulip-like flowers;…
Liriodendron prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Magnoliaceae – the two species of tulip tree.
LIRIODENDRON n. the tulip tree.
ROLLERBLADEDrollerbladed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rollerblade.
ROLLERBLADE v. to skate on rollerblades.
TARRADIDDLEStarradiddles n. Plural of tarradiddle.
TARRADIDDLE n. a fib; a piece of pretentious nonsense, also TARADIDDLE.
TELERECORDEDtelerecorded adj. Recorded using telerecording.
TELERECORD v. to make a telerecording, a recording for broadcast by television.
UNDERBUILDERunderbuilder n. A subordinate or assistant builder.
UNDERBUILDER n. a subordinate or assistant builder.
UNDERDELIVERunderdeliver v. To deliver less, or at an inferior level, than promised or expected.
UNDERDELIVER v. to fail to achieve what has been expected or promised.
UNREWARDEDLYunrewardedly adv. Without being rewarded.
UNREWARDED adv. not rewarded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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