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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing D, 2P, 2R and S

DISAPPROVERdisapprover n. One who disapproves.
DISAPPROVER n. one who disapproves.
DISPROPERTYdisproperty v. (Transitive) To cause to be no longer property; to dispossess of.
DISPROPERTY v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of property.
DOORSTEPPERdoorstepper n. One who doorsteps, or corners somebody for an unexpected interview.
DOORSTEPPER n. a salesman who tries to sell on the doorstep.
DROPPERFULSdropperfuls n. Plural of dropperful.
DROPPERFUL n. the contents of a dropper.
DROPPERSFULdroppersful n. Plural of dropperful.
DROPPERFUL n. the contents of a dropper.
EYEDROPPERSeyedroppers n. Plural of eyedropper.
EYEDROPPER n. a device used to administer eyedrops.
PAPERBOARDSpaperboards n. Plural of paperboard.
paper␣boards n. Plural of paper board.
PAPERBOARD n. a type of strong thick cardboard; pasteboard.
PARAPHRASEDparaphrased v. Simple past tense and past participle of paraphrase.
PARAPHRASE v. to restate in different words.
PERIPHRASEDperiphrased v. Simple past tense and past participle of periphrase.
PERIPHRASE v. to use more words than are necessary to express an idea.
PERSPIRATEDperspirated v. Simple past tense and past participle of perspirate.
PERSPIRATE v. to sweat.
PORPHYROIDSporphyroids n. Plural of porphyroid.
PORPHYROID n. a metamorphic rock having a texture characterized by large crystals set in a finer groundmass.
PROPOUNDERSpropounders n. Plural of propounder.
PROPOUNDER n. one who propounds.
PROSAUROPODprosauropod n. Any member of the Prosauropoda, a group of early herbivorous dinosaurs with a long neck and small head…
PROSAUROPOD n. a reptile-like dinosaur of the division Prosauropoda which lived in the Triassic period.
REAPPRAISEDreappraised v. Simple past tense and past participle of reappraise.
REAPPRAISE v. to appraise again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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