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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing D, L, M, O and 2T

BOTTOMLANDSbottomlands n. Plural of bottomland.
BOTTOMLAND n. (US) alluvial deposits.
BUTTONMOULDbuttonmould n. (Archaic) A disc of bone, wood, or other material, made into a button by covering it with cloth.
BUTTONMOULD n. the small core of plastic, wood, or metal that is the base for buttons covered with fabric, leather, etc.
DILATOMETERdilatometer n. An instrument used to measure the expansion of solids and liquids when heated, or when subjected to…
DILATOMETER n. an instrument for measuring expansion.
DILATOMETRYdilatometry n. (Physics) The measurement of changes in volume that accompany some other physical phenomenon.
DILATOMETRY n. measurement by dilatometer.
DIPLOMATISTdiplomatist n. A diplomat.
DIPLOMATIST n. a diplomat.
MAILSHOTTEDmailshotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of mailshot.
MAILSHOT v. to send unsolicited items by post.
MENTHOLATEDmentholated adj. Impregnated with menthol.
MENTHOLATED adj. containing menthol.
MIDLITTORALmidlittoral adj. (Geography) In the middle part of a seashore.
MIDLITTORAL n. that part of the seashore that lies between high and low neap tidemarks.
MISALLOTTEDmisallotted adj. Allotted badly or wrongly.
MISALLOT v. to allot wrongly.
MULTICOATEDmulticoated adj. Having multiple coatings.
MULTICOATED adj. having many coats.
TOLBUTAMIDEtolbutamide n. A drug that blocks potassium channels, used in the treatment of diabetes.
TOLBUTAMIDE n. a sulfonylurea used in the treatment of diabetes.
TORMENTEDLYtormentedly adv. In a tormented manner.
TORMENTED adv. TORMENT, to harass or torture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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