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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing D, 2L, N and 2U

NUMBSKULLEDnumbskulled adj. (Informal) stupid.
NUMBSKULLED adj. stupid, doltish, also NUMSKULLED.
OUTDUELLINGoutduelling v. Present participle of outduel.
OUTDUEL v. to surpass in dueling.
PENDULOUSLYpendulously adv. In a pendulous manner.
PENDULOUS adv. hanging loosely; swinging freely.
UNBUILDABLEunbuildable adj. Not buildable; that cannot be built.
UNBUILDABLE adj. that cannot be built.
UNCALLOUSEDuncalloused adj. Not calloused.
uncalloused adj. (Figurative) Unaccustomed to work.
UNCALLOUSED adj. not calloused.
UNCLOUDEDLYuncloudedly adv. In an unclouded way; without clouds or mental obstructions.
UNCLOUDED adv. UNCLOUD, to free from clouds.
UNDERFULFILUNDERFULFIL v. to fail to fulfil completely, also UNDERFULFILL.
UNDUTIFULLYundutifully adv. In an undutiful manner.
UNDUTIFUL adv. not dutiful.
UNFULFILLEDunfulfilled adj. Lacking fulfillment; marked by a feeling of failure to achieve goals or desires.
unfulfilled adj. Not yet provided as promised, particularly with respect to a contract or an order for a supply of something.
UNFULFILLED adj. not fulfilled.
UNHEEDFULLYunheedfully adv. In an unheedful manner.
UNHEEDFUL adv. not heedful.
UNILLUMINEDunillumined adj. Not illumined; unlit.
UNILLUMINED adj. not illumined.
UNMINDFULLYunmindfully adv. In an unmindful fashion; without mindfulness.
UNMINDFUL adv. not mindful.
UNNEEDFULLYunneedfully adv. Needlessly; unnecessarily.
UNNEEDFUL adv. not needful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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