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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing D, 3I, U and V

DIFFUSIVITYdiffusivity n. A tendency to diffuse.
diffusivity n. (Physics) a coefficient of diffusion; especially the amount of heat that passes through a given area in unit time.
DIFFUSIVITY n. the state of being diffusive.
DILUVIALISMdiluvialism n. The explaining of geological phenomena by the Noachian deluge.
DILUVIALISM n. a belief in Noah's flood.
DILUVIALISTdiluvialist n. (Historical) One who explains geological phenomena by the Noachian deluge.
Diluvialist n. Alternative letter-case form of diluvialist.
DILUVIALIST n. one who believes in Noah's flood.
DIMINUTIVALdiminutival adj. Indicating diminution; diminutive.
DIMINUTIVAL adj. relating to or like a diminutive.
DIMINUTIVESdiminutives n. Plural of diminutive.
DIMINUTIVE n. a diminutive word, affix, or name.
DISILLUSIVEdisillusive adj. Freeing from illusion.
DISILLUSIVE adj. tending to disillusion.
DISQUIETIVEdisquietive adj. Tending to disquiet.
DISQUIETIVE adj. causing disquiet.
INDIVIDUALSindividuals n. Plural of individual.
INDIVIDUAL n. a single human being as contrasted with a social group or institution.
INDIVIDUATEindividuate v. (Transitive) To make, or cause to appear, individual.
individuate adj. Undivided.
INDIVIDUATE v. to give individuality to.
INDUCTIVITYinductivity n. (Physics) A measure of the capacity for magnetic inductance.
inductivity n. (Rare) The susceptibility to a process of induction (in various senses).
INDUCTIVITY n. the state of being inductive.
INVIDIOUSLYinvidiously adv. In an invidious manner.
INVIDIOUS adv. tending to cause discontent, animosity, or envy.
SUBDIVIDINGsubdividing v. Present participle of subdivide.
subdividing n. An act or process of subdivision.
SUBDIVIDE v. to divide into smaller divisions.
SUBDIVISIONsubdivision n. (Countable, uncountable) A division into smaller pieces of something that has already been divided.
subdivision n. (Countable) Such a piece that has been divided.
subdivision n. (Countable) A parcel of land that has been divided into lots.
SUBDIVISIVEsubdivisive adj. Relating to subdivision.
SUBDIVISIVE adj. relating to a subdivision.
UNCIVILISEDuncivilised adj. Alternative spelling of uncivilized.
UNCIVILISED adj. not civilised, also UNCIVILIZED.
UNCIVILIZEDuncivilized adj. Crude, barbarous, wild, uncultured.
uncivilized adj. Used to describe people who display a marked lack of manners as defined by a given culture.
uncivilized adj. Used to describe behaviours deemed savage or inappropriate.
UNINVIDIOUSuninvidious adj. Not invidious.
UNINVIDIOUS adj. not invidious.
UNVITRIFIEDunvitrified adj. Not converted into glass.
UNVITRIFIED adj. not vitrified.
VICISSITUDEvicissitude n. Regular change or succession from one thing to another, or one part of a cycle to the next; alternation;…
vicissitude n. (Often in the plural) A change, especially in one’s life or fortunes.
VICISSITUDE n. a change of circumstances affecting one's life.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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