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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing D, H, 2I and 2R

ARTHRITIDESarthritides n. (Medicine) plural of arthritis.
ARTHRITIS n. inflammation of the joints.
CHARIVARIEDCHARIVARI v. to perform such a serenade, also CHIVAREE, CHIVARI.
CIRRHIPEDESCIRRHIPEDE n. an erroneous form of cirripede, a subclass of marine crustacea, also CIRRIPED, CIRRIPEDE.
DIARTHROSISdiarthrosis n. (Anatomy) A joint that can move freely in various planes.
DIARTHROSIS n. a joint permitting free movement.
DISHERITORSdisheritors n. Plural of disheritor.
DISHERITOR n. one who puts another out of his inheritance.
HAIRBRAINEDhairbrained adj. Misspelling of harebrained.
HAIRBRAINED adj. crazy, crackpot, also HAREBRAINED.
HINDBERRIEShindberries n. Plural of hindberry.
HINDBERRY n. the raspberry.
HYBRIDISERShybridisers n. Plural of hybridiser.
HYBRIDISER n. one who hybridises, also HYBRIDIZER.
HYBRIDIZERShybridizers n. Plural of hybridizer.
HYBRIDIZER n. one who hybridizes, also HYBRIDISER.
NIGHTRIDERSnightriders n. Plural of nightrider.
night␣riders n. Plural of night rider.
NIGHTRIDER n. a member of a secret band of white men who carried out lynchings in the southern USA.
REDSHIRTINGredshirting v. Present participle of redshirt.
REDSHIRT v. to keep a college athlete out of varsity play to extend his eligibility.
RIDESHARINGridesharing n. A form of transportation, other than public transport, in which more than one person shares the use…
RIDESHARING n. the practice of sharing a car with other commuters as a means of lessening traffic congestion or pollution.
TRICHLORIDEtrichloride n. (Chemistry) any chloride containing three chlorine atoms in each molecule.
TRICHLORIDE n. any compound that contains three chlorine atoms per molecule.
WHIPCORDIERWHIPCORDY adj. like whipcord, a fabric with bold twill used for making dresses.
WHIRLYBIRDSwhirlybirds n. Plural of whirlybird.
WHIRLYBIRD n. (slang) a helicopter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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