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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing D, F, I, M, R and U

CIRCUMFUSEDcircumfused v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumfuse.
CIRCUMFUSE v. to pour around or about.
DEMULSIFIERdemulsifier n. (Chemistry) Any substance used to break an emulsion into its constituent liquids.
DEMULSIFIER n. an agent to prevent emulsion.
DISULFIRAMSdisulfirams n. Plural of disulfiram.
DISULFIRAM n. a compound used in the treatment of alcoholism.
FRIGIDARIUMfrigidarium n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) In Ancient Roman baths, a room with a bath of cold water.
FRIGIDARIUM n. (Latin) the room in Roman baths containing the final, cold, bath.
FUROSEMIDESfurosemides n. Plural of furosemide.
FUROSEMIDE n. a synthetic diuretic drug used esp. in treating oedema, also FRUSEMIDE.
HUMIDIFIERShumidifiers n. Plural of humidifier.
HUMIDIFIER n. a device for supplying or maintaining humidity.
MINDFUCKERSmindfuckers n. Plural of mindfucker.
MISFEATUREDmisfeatured adj. Having ugly or misshapen features.
MISFEATURED adj. ugly, ill-favoured.
MISFORTUNEDmisfortuned adj. (Archaic) unlucky, unfortunate.
MISFORTUNED adj. (archaic) unfortunate.
PANDURIFORMpanduriform adj. (Botany, rare) Pandurate.
PANDURIFORM adj. fiddle-shaped, e.g. of leaves, also PANDURATE, PANDURATED.
UNCONFIRMEDunconfirmed adj. Not finally established, settled or confirmed.
unconfirmed adj. (Christianity) Not having undergone the ritual of confirmation.
UNCONFIRMED adj. not confirmed.
UNMORTIFIEDunmortified adj. Not mortified.
UNMORTIFIED adj. not mortified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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