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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing D, E, H, M, T and Y

DEMETHYLATEdemethylate v. (Chemistry) To remove one or more methyl groups from a molecule, especially from a biologically active molecule.
DEMYTHIFIEDDEMYTHIFY v. to remove the mythical characteristics from (a person).
DEMYTHIFIESDEMYTHIFY v. to remove the mythical characteristics from (a person).
DIATHERMACYDIATHERMACY n. permeability by or conductibility of radiant heat, also DIATHERMANCY.
DYOTHELISMSDYOTHELISM n. the doctrine that Christ on earth had two will, human and divine, also DIOTHELISM, DITHELETISM, DITHELISM.
HEMIHYDRATEhemihydrate n. (Chemistry) A hydrate whose solid contains one molecule of water of crystallization per two molecules…
HEMIHYDRATE n. a hydrate, such as plaster of paris, containing half a mole of water to one mole of the compound forming the hydrate.
HYDROMETEORhydrometeor n. Rain, snow and other precipitation products of the condensation of atmospheric water vapour.
HYDROMETEOR n. a general term for the aqueous phenomena of the atmosphere, as rain, snow, sleet, hail.
HYDROMETERShydrometers n. Plural of hydrometer.
HYDROMETER n. an instrument for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.
HYDROMETRIChydrometric adj. Concerning or applying hydrometry.
HYDROMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by hydrometer, also HYDROMETRICAL.
METALDEHYDEmetaldehyde n. (Organic chemistry) A cyclic tetramer of acetaldehyde, commonly used as a molluscicide.
METALDEHYDE n. a polymer of acetaldehyde.
METHODOLOGYmethodology n. (Originally sciences) The study of methods used in a field.
methodology n. (Loosely) A collection of methods, practices, procedures and rules used by those who work in some field.
methodology n. The implementation of such methods etc.
METHYLDOPASMETHYLDOPA n. an antihypertensive drug.
MONOHYDRATEmonohydrate n. (Chemistry) A hydrate whose solid contains a single molecule of water of crystallization per molecule…
MONOHYDRATE n. a hydrate containing one molecule of water per molecule of the compound.
RADIOTHERMYRADIOTHERMY n. the treatment of disease by means of heat generated by electromagnetic radiation.
SYMPATHISEDsympathised v. Simple past tense and past participle of sympathise.
SYMPATHISE v. to be in keeping, accord, or harmony, also SYMPATHIZE.
SYMPATHIZEDsympathized v. (North America) simple past tense and past participle of sympathize.
SYMPATHIZE v. to be in keeping, accord, or harmony, also SYMPATHISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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