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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing D, E, H, I and 2M

CHAMBERMAIDchambermaid n. A maid who handles the chores in a bedroom.
CHAMBERMAID n. a maid who makes beds and does general cleaning of bedrooms (as in a hotel).
DYSPHEMISMSdysphemisms n. Plural of dysphemism.
DYSPHEMISM n. the substitution of a disagreeable or offensive expression for an agreeable or inoffensive one, e.g. The Holocaust (the dysphemism chosen by Jewish historians to replace the Nazis' ghastly euphemism, The Final Solution).
HEMIHEDRISMhemihedrism n. (Crystallography) hemihedral crystallization.
HEMIHEDRISM n. a property of crystals of being hemihedral, or having half the number of symmetrically arranged planes occurring on a holohedron.
HEMODYNAMIChemodynamic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to hemodynamics, the circulation of blood in the body.
HEMODYNAMIC adj. relating to hemodynamics, also HAEMODYNAMIC.
IMPOSTHUMEDimposthumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of imposthume.
IMPOSTHUMED adj. having an imposthume, an abscess, also IMPOSTUMED.
MEDIUMSHIPSmediumships n. Plural of mediumship.
MEDIUMSHIP n. being a medium.
METHANAMIDEmethanamide n. (Organic chemistry) Formamide.
METHANAMIDE n. an amide derived from formic acid, aka formamide.
MICROMETHODmicromethod n. (Chemistry) A method of analysis that requires only a very small sample.
MICROMETHOD n. a method (as of microanalysis) that requires only very small quantities of material or that involves the use of the microscope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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