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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing D, 2E, F and 2L

BATTLEFIELDbattlefield n. The area where a land battle is or was fought, which is not necessarily a field.
battle-field n. Alternative form of battlefield.
BATTLEFIELD n. a place where a battle is fought.
BELLFOUNDERbellfounder n. Someone who makes bells.
bell-founder n. Alternative spelling of bellfounder.
bell␣founder n. Alternative spelling of bellfounder.
DAMSELFLIESdamselflies n. Plural of damselfly.
DAMSELFLY n. an insect of the order Odonata, resembling the dragonfly.
DECEITFULLYdeceitfully adv. In a deceitful manner.
deceitfully adv. With the intention to deceive.
DECEITFUL adv. given to deceiving.
DEFLAGRABLEdeflagrable adj. (Chemistry, archaic) Burning with a sudden and sparkling combustion; slightly explosive; liable to snap…
DEFLAGRABLE adj. which deflagrates; deflagrating readily.
DEFLECTABLEdeflectable adj. Capable of being deflected.
DEFLECTABLE adj. able to be deflected.
DEFLEXIONALdeflexional adj. Dated form of deflectional.
DEFLEXIONAL adj. showing deflexion, also DEFLECTIONAL.
DOLEFULLESTdolefullest adj. Superlative form of doleful: most doleful.
DOLEFUL adj. sad, full of woe.
DOLEFULNESSdolefulness n. The characteristic of being doleful; sadness.
DOLEFULNESS n. the state of being doleful.
ELDERFLOWERelderflower n. The blossom of the elderberry, often specifically the European species Sambucus nigra.
ELDERFLOWER n. the flower of the elder.
FLAGELLATEDflagellated v. Simple past tense and past participle of flagellate.
FLAGELLATE v. to whip; to scourge.
FLEDGELINGSfledgelings n. Plural of fledgeling.
FLEDGELING n. a young bird just fledged, also FLEDGLING.
FLUSTEREDLYflusteredly adv. In a flustered manner.
FLUSTERED adv. FLUSTER, to put into a state of nervous confusion.
FORESTALLEDforestalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of forestall.
FORESTALL v. to prevent.
PELLETIFIEDPELLETIFY v. to make into a pellet.
SEVERALFOLDseveralfold adj. By several times.
severalfold adv. By a factor of several.
SEVERALFOLD adj. having several parts or aspects.
UNHEEDFULLYunheedfully adv. In an unheedful manner.
UNHEEDFUL adv. not heedful.
UNNEEDFULLYunneedfully adv. Needlessly; unnecessarily.
UNNEEDFUL adv. not needful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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