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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2D, G, O, R and S

BIODEGRADESbiodegrades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of biodegrade.
BIODEGRADE v. to break down by biological action.
BROADSIDINGbroadsiding v. Present participle of broadside.
BROADSIDE v. to deliver a broadside.
DENDROGRAMSdendrograms n. Plural of dendrogram.
DENDROGRAM n. a branching diagram to show e.g. evolutionary descent.
DEODORISINGdeodorising v. Present participle of deodorise.
DEODORISE v. to take the (usually unpleasant) odour or smell from, also DEODORIZE.
DIDGERIDOOSdidgeridoos n. Plural of didgeridoo.
DIDGERIDOO n. (Native Australian) a native Australian musical instrument, also DIDJERIDOO, DIDJERIDU.
DISADORNINGdisadorning v. Present participle of disadorn.
DISADORN v. to deprive of ornaments.
DISCOURAGEDdiscouraged adj. Having lost confidence or hope; dejected; disheartened.
discouraged adj. Unrecommended; unprescribed.
discouraged v. Simple past tense and past participle of discourage.
DISHOARDINGdishoarding v. Present participle of dishoard.
DISHOARD v. to put previously withheld (money) into circulation.
DISORDERINGdisordering n. The removal of order.
DISORDER v. to disarrange.
DOGSLEDDERSdogsledders n. Plural of dogsledder.
DOGSLEDDER n. one who travels by dogsled.
DRAGONHEADSdragonheads n. Plural of dragonhead.
DRAGONHEAD n. a labiate garden plant.
DRAGONNADESdragonnades n. Plural of dragonnade.
DRAGONNADE n. (French) a persecution conducted by Louis XIV against French Protestants in the 1680s, in which dragoons were quartered on them.
FORBIDDINGSforbiddings n. Plural of forbidding.
FORBIDDING n. the act of commanding not to do something.
GOLDTHREADSgoldthreads n. Plural of goldthread.
GOLDTHREAD n. a North American woodland ranunculaceous plant, with slender yellow roots that yield a medicinal tonic and a dye.
GORMANDISEDgormandised v. Simple past tense and past participle of gormandise.
GORMANDISE v. to indulge a taste for good food to excess, also GORMANDIZE, GOURMANDISE, GOURMANDIZE.
GROUNDSPEEDgroundspeed n. (Aviation) The horizontal speed of an aircraft relative to the ground.
ground␣speed n. Alternative form of groundspeed.
GROUNDSPEED n. the speed of an aircraft relative to the ground.
GROUNDWOODSgroundwoods n. Plural of groundwood.
GROUNDWOOD n. wood found lying on the ground.
OUTREDDINGSOUTREDDING n. the act of exceeding redness.
REDOUNDINGSREDOUNDING n. the act of redounding.
UNDERDOSINGunderdosing v. Present participle of underdose.
under-dosing v. Present participle of under-dose.
UNDERDOSE v. to give an insufficient dose to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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