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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing 2D, G, H, I and N

DEADHEADINGdeadheading v. Present participle of deadhead.
deadheading n. The removal of dead flowers from a plant in order to encourage the growth of new ones, and to prevent…
deadheading n. The driving of an unladen vehicle, such as a bus with no passengers, in order to take it from one place to another.
DEGARNISHEDdegarnished v. Simple past tense and past participle of degarnish.
DEGARNISH v. to despoil, also DISGARNISH.
DEHYDRATINGdehydrating v. Present participle of dehydrate.
DEHYDRATE v. to dry out, remove the water from.
DIPHTHONGEDDIPHTHONG v. to pronounce as a diphthong.
DISHOARDINGdishoarding v. Present participle of dishoard.
DISHOARD v. to put previously withheld (money) into circulation.
FUNDHOLDINGfundholding n. (Economics) The holding of a fund.
fundholding n. (UK) A former system of state funding of general practitioners in which they were allocated a budget…
FUNDHOLDING n. under the NHS, the system enabling general practitioners to receive a fixed budget.
GODCHILDRENgodchildren n. Plural of godchild.
god-children n. Plural of god-child.
GODCHILD n. one whom a person sponsors at baptism.
HANDFEEDINGhandfeeding v. Present participle of handfeed.
HANDFEED v. to feed with the hand.
LANDHOLDINGlandholding n. A piece of property (land) that is held (owned).
landholding n. The state or practice of owning land.
LANDHOLDING n. the state or fact of holding or owning land.
ROADHOLDINGroadholding n. (Automotive) The degree to which a motor vehicle maintains a stable "grip" on the road surface, without…
ROADHOLDING n. the qualities of an automobile that tend to make it respond precisely to the driver's steering.
SHUDDERINGSshudderings n. Plural of shuddering.
SHUDDERING n. the act of shuddering.
UNDELIGHTEDundelighted adj. Not delighted.
UNDELIGHTED adj. not delighted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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