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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2D, F, N, O and R

CHONDRIFIEDchondrified v. Simple past tense and past participle of chondrify.
CHONDRIFY v. to convert, or be converted, into cartilage.
CROWDFUNDEDcrowdfunded v. Simple past tense and past participle of crowdfund.
CROWDFUND v. to fund a project via a large number of supporters who each contribute a small amount.
DISINFORMEDdisinformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of disinform.
DISINFORM v. to inform incorrectly, also MISINFORM.
DUMBFOUNDERdumbfounder v. (Transitive) To dumbfound.
dumbfounder n. Someone who or that which dumbfounds.
DUMBFOUNDER v. to strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment, also DUMBFOUND, DUMFOUND, DUMFOUNDER.
DUMFOUNDERSdumfounders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dumfounder.
DUMFOUNDER v. to strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment, also DUMBFOUND, DUMBFOUNDER, DUMFOUND.
ENFOULDEREDenfouldered adj. (Poetic) Mixed with lightning or fire.
ENFOULDERED adj. (Spenser) charged with or like lightning.
ENFREEDOMEDenfreedomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of enfreedom.
ENFREEDOM v. (Shakespeare) to set free, also ENFREE.
FORBIDDANCEforbiddance n. An act of forbidding, prohibition; an official edict against something.
FORBIDDANCE n. (obsolete) the act of forbidding.
FORBIDDENLYforbiddenly adv. In a forbidden or unlawful manner.
FORBIDDENLY adv. (Shakespeare) in a forbidden manner.
FORBIDDINGSforbiddings n. Plural of forbidding.
FORBIDDING n. the act of commanding not to do something.
FORWANDEREDforwandered v. Simple past tense and past participle of forwander.
FORWANDER v. (archaic) to wander away; to go astray.
FUNDHOLDERSfundholders n. Plural of fundholder.
FUNDHOLDER n. a person who has money in public funds.
HUNDREDFOLDhundredfold adj. Multiplied by a hundred.
hundredfold adv. By a factor of one hundred.
hundredfold v. To increase to hundred times as much; to multiply by hundred.
INTERFOLDEDinterfolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of interfold.
interfolded adj. Intertwined; interlocked; clasped together.
INTERFOLD v. to fold together or within each other.
UNDERFONGEDunderfonged v. Simple past tense and past participle of underfong.
UNDERFONG v. (Spenser) to undertake.
UNDERFOOTEDunderfooted v. Simple past tense and past participle of underfoot.
UNDERFOOT v. to underpin.
UNFORBIDDENunforbidden adj. Not forbidden; permitted.
UNFORBIDDEN adj. not forbidden.
WINDPROOFEDwindproofed v. Simple past tense and past participle of windproof.
WINDPROOF v. to make a fabric etc. proof against the wind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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