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There are 20 ten-letter words containing D, 2N, P, S and U

DEPANNEURSdepanneurs n. Plural of depanneur.
dépanneurs n. Plural of dépanneur.
DEPANNEUR n. (Canadian) a convenience store in French Canada.
DISPUNGINGdispunging v. Present participle of dispunge.
DISPUNGE v. (Shakespeare) to sprinkle as from a sponge, also DISPONGE.
DUENNASHIPduennaship n. The role or status of duenna.
DUENNASHIP n. the office of duenna.
NONPLUSSEDnonplussed adj. Unsure how to act or respond; bewildered, perplexed.
nonplussed adj. (Chiefly US, informal, nonstandard) Unaffected, unfazed; unimpressed.
nonplussed v. Simple past tense and past participle of nonplus.
OUTSPANNEDoutspanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of outspan.
OUTSPAN v. (South African) to unharness a draft animal.
PANDANUSESpandanuses n. Plural of pandanus.
PANDANUS n. (Malay) a palm of SE Asia, the leaves of which are used to weave mats, also PANDAN.
PUDDENINGSpuddenings n. Plural of puddening.
PUDDENING n. a pad of rope used as a fender on a boat.
PUNDONORESPUNDONOR n. (Spanish) a point of honor.
SPUNBONDEDspunbonded adj. (Of a fabric) Composed of extruded spun filaments bonded together in a random manner.
SPUNBONDED adj. of or relating to a nonbonded polymeric material that resembles cloth or fabric.
SUSPENDINGsuspending v. Present participle of suspend.
SUSPEND v. to stop for a period.
UNDERPANTSunderpants n. Underwear covering the genitalia and often buttocks, usually going no higher than the navel.
UNDERPANTS n. a usually short undergarment for the lower torso.
UNDERSPENDunderspend v. To spend too little of the funds appropriated or allocated.
underspend n. An amount by which an allocated amount is not expended.
UNDERSPEND v. to spend less than.
UNDERSPENTunderspent v. Simple past tense and past participle of underspend.
UNDERSPEND v. to spend less than.
UNDERSPINSunderspins n. Plural of underspin.
UNDERSPIN n. a kind of spin in table tennis.
UNINSPIREDuninspired adj. Lacking inspiration; dull or dry.
uninspired v. Simple past tense and past participle of uninspire.
UNINSPIRED adj. not inspired.
UNPERSONEDunpersoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unperson.
UNPERSON v. to make someone into an unperson.
UNPOISONEDunpoisoned adj. Not poisoned.
unpoisoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unpoison.
UNPOISON v. to rid of poison.
UNPRISONEDunprisoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unprison.
UNPRISON v. to release from prison.
UNPUNISHEDunpunished adj. Not punished.
UNPUNISHED adj. not punished.
UPSTANDINGupstanding adj. Honest; reputable; respectable.
upstanding adj. Standing up.
upstanding v. Present participle of upstand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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