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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing D, M, N, O and 2U

CONUNDRUMSconundrums n. Plural of conundrum.
CONUNDRUM n. a riddle, esp. one whose answer is a play on words.
CURMUDGEONcurmudgeon n. An ill-tempered person full of stubborn ideas or opinions.
curmudgeon n. (Archaic) A miser.
CURMUDGEON n. an avaricious, ill-natured churlish person; a miser.
DUMBFOUNDSdumbfounds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dumbfound.
DUMBFOUND v. to strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment, also DUMBFOUNDER, DUMFOUND, DUMFOUNDER.
DUMFOUNDEDdumfounded adj. Misspelling of dumbfounded.
dumfounded v. Misspelling of dumbfounded.
DUMFOUND v. to strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment, also DUMBFOUND, DUMBFOUNDER, DUMFOUNDER.
DUMFOUNDERdumfounder v. To dumbfound; to confound.
DUMFOUNDER v. to strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment, also DUMBFOUND, DUMBFOUNDER, DUMFOUND.
HUMDUDGEONhumdudgeon n. (Scotland, obsolete) An unnecessary outcry or complaint.
humdudgeon n. (Scotland, obsolete) An imaginary illness.
HUMDUDGEON n. (Scots) low spirits.
HUMDURGEONHUMDURGEON n. an imaginary illness.
MUCEDINOUSmucedinous adj. Resembling mould or mildew.
MUCEDINOUS adj. mouldy; mildewy.
PURDONIUMSpurdoniums n. Plural of purdonium.
PURDONIUM n. a kind of coal-scuttle introduced by a Mr Purdon.
SURMOUNTEDsurmounted v. Simple past tense and past participle of surmount.
surmounted adj. (Architecture) Of an arch or dome: rising higher than a semicircle.
surmounted adj. (Heraldry) Denoting a figure when another is laid over it.
UNARMOUREDunarmoured adj. Without armour. Often used to describe people, things, or situations where armour would normally be encountered.
UNARMOURED adj. not armoured, also UNARMORED.
UNCOMMUTEDuncommuted adj. Not commuted.
UNCOMMUTED adj. not commuted.
UNCONSUMEDunconsumed adj. Not consumed.
UNCONSUMED adj. not consumed.
UNCUSTOMEDuncustomed adj. Not subject to customs duties; uncustomable. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought:)
uncustomed adj. (Archaic) On which no customs duties have been paid.
UNCUSTOMED adj. not liable to or not having paid duty or customs.
UNMOULDINGunmoulding v. Present participle of unmould.
UNMOULD v. to change the form of; to reduce from any form, also UNMOLD.
UNSUMMONEDunsummoned adj. Not summoned.
unsummoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unsummon.
UNSUMMONED adj. not summoned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 19 words

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