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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing D, L, M, R, T and U

FORMULATEDformulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of formulate.
FORMULATE v. to state or express in a clear definite form.
KETTLEDRUMkettledrum n. (Music) A large hemispherical brass percussion instrument (one of the timpani) with a drumhead that…
kettledrum n. (Dated) An informal social party at which a light collation is offered, held in the afternoon or early evening.
kettle-drum n. Alternative form of kettledrum.
LAUNDROMATlaundromat n. (US, Canada, Australia) A self-service laundry facility with (traditionally) coin-operated (which now…
MODULARITYmodularity n. The property of being modular.
MODULARITY n. the state of being modular.
MODULATORSmodulators n. Plural of modulator.
MODULATOR n. a person who, or that which, modulates.
MODULATORYmodulatory adj. Of or pertaining to modulation.
MODULATORY adj. relating to modulation.
MULTIARMEDmultiarmed adj. Having several arms or projections.
multi-armed adj. Alternative form of multiarmed.
MULTIARMED adj. having many arms.
MULTIGRADEmultigrade adj. Having the characteristics of multiple grades of a product (especially of a lubricating oil).
multigrade adj. (Education) Relating to students of differing grade levels.
MULTIGRADE n. a brand of black and white photographic paper coated with a mixture of emulsions which are sensitive to the colour of the printing light used and which produce different contrast grades as a result.
RUDIMENTALrudimental adj. (Uncommon) Rudimentary.
RUDIMENTAL adj. rudimentary, also RUDIMENTARY.
TREMULATEDtremulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of tremulate.
TREMULATE v. to sound with a tremolo effect.
UNTRAMPLEDuntrampled adj. Not trampled.
UNTRAMPLED adj. not trampled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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