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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, 2L, N and 2S

BANDSHELLSbandshells n. Plural of bandshell.
BANDSHELL n. a bandstand concave at the back.
DULLNESSESdullnesses n. Plural of dullness.
DULLNESS n. the state of being dull, also DULNESS.
HALLSTANDShallstands n. Plural of hallstand.
HALLSTAND n. a stand in a hall for umbrellas etc.
HANDLELESShandleless adj. Without a handle.
HANDLELESS adj. without a handle.
KINDLESSLYKINDLESS adv. (Shakespeare) unnatural.
LANDSLIDESlandslides n. Plural of landslide.
LANDSLIDE v. to win an election by a huge majority.
LINKSLANDSlinkslands n. Plural of linksland.
LINKSLAND n. land near the sea used for golf.
LORDLINESSlordliness n. The property of being lordly; the bearing or manner of a lord.
LORDLINESS n. the state of being lordly.
LOTUSLANDSlotuslands n. Plural of lotusland.
lotus␣lands n. Plural of lotus land.
LOTUSLAND n. a place of dreamy contentment and self-indulgence.
MINDLESSLYmindlessly adv. In a mindless manner.
MINDLESS adv. lacking intelligence.
NEEDLELESSneedleless adj. Without a needle or needles (especially hypodermic needles).
NEEDLELESS adj. without a needle.
NEEDLESSLYneedlessly adv. In a needless manner.
needlessly adv. To a degree or extent beyond what is needed.
needlessly adv. Without need.
PALLIDNESSpallidness n. The characteristic of being pallid.
PALLIDNESS n. the state of being pallid.
SALLENDERSsallenders n. An eruption on the hind leg of a horse.
SALLENDERS n. a skin disease affecting the hocks of horses.
SPELLBINDSspellbinds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spellbind.
SPELLBIND v. to bind by or as by a spell.
SPELLDOWNSspelldowns n. Plural of spelldown.
SPELLDOWN n. (US) a spelling competition.
STANDSTILLstandstill n. Complete immobility; halt.
stand␣still v. (Sometimes figurative) To stop moving, to remain motionless.
stand␣still n. Obsolete spelling of standstill.
UNDERSELLSundersells v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undersell.
UNDERSELL v. to sell too cheap.
WINDLESSLYwindlessly adv. Without any wind.
WINDLESS adv. without wind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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