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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing D, I, P, S and 2T

DIPTERISTSdipterists n. Plural of dipterist.
DIPTERIST n. a person who studies flies.
DISPUTANTSdisputants n. Plural of disputant.
DISPUTANT n. one who disputes.
PANDECTISTpandectist adj. Pertaining to the Pandects compiled under the Roman emperor Justinian I.
pandectist adj. Pertaining to the German adaptation of Roman law in the early sixteenth century.
pandectist n. An expert on the Pandects compiled under the Roman emperor Justinian I.
PANTSUITEDpantsuited adj. Wearing a pantsuit.
PANTSUITED adj. wearing a pantsuit.
PEDIATRISTpediatrist n. Alternative form of paediatrist.
PEDIATRIST n. a specialist in child care, also PAEDIATRIST.
PEDORTHISTpedorthist n. A professional who has specialized training to modify footwear and employ supportive devices to address…
PINSPOTTEDPINSPOT v. to illuminate with a pinspot.
PLATITUDESplatitudes n. Plural of platitude.
PLATITUDE n. a commonplace or trite remark made as if it were important.
PODIATRISTpodiatrist n. (Medicine) A health care practitioner who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of foot ailments.
PODIATRIST n. one who practises podiatry.
POSTDATINGpostdating v. Present participle of postdate.
postdating n. (Lexicography) A later citation of a lexical item.
POSTDATE v. to date after the real time.
POTENTISEDpotentised v. Simple past tense and past participle of potentise.
POTENTISE v. to render the latent power of (anything) available, also POTENTIZE.
STANDPOINTstandpoint n. Point of view; perspective.
STANDPOINT n. a position from which objects or principles are viewed and according to which they are compared and judged.
STIPULATEDstipulated adj. Required as a condition of a contract or agreement.
stipulated adj. Specified, promised or guaranteed in an agreement.
stipulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of stipulate.
TAPESTRIEDtapestried adj. Decorated with tapestry.
TAPESTRY v. to decorate with a woven wall hanging.
TEPIDITIEStepidities n. Plural of tepidity.
TEPIDITY n. the state of being tepid.
TORPEDOISTtorpedoist n. One skilled in the theory or use of naval torpedoes.
torpedoist n. One who favours the use of torpedoes.
TORPEDOIST n. one whose job is to fire torpedoes.
TORPITUDEStorpitudes n. Plural of torpitude.
TORPITUDE n. torpidness.
TURPITUDESturpitudes n. Plural of turpitude.
TURPITUDE n. inherent baseness, depravity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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