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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing D, I, L, P and 2U

IMPUNDULUSIMPUNDULU n. (Bantu) a mythical bird with magical powers, often identified with the secretary bird.
PALUDINOUSpaludinous adj. Paludinal.
paludinous adj. Like or relating to the genus Paludina.
paludinous adj. Of or relating to a marsh or fen.
PEDICULOUSpediculous adj. Alternative form of pedicular.
PEDICULOUS adj. infested with lice, lousy.
PRAELUDIUMpraeludium n. Obsolete spelling of preludium.
præludium n. Obsolete spelling of preludium.
PRAELUDIUM n. (Latin) a prelude.
PRELUDIOUSpreludious adj. (Archaic) preludial.
PRELUDIOUS adj. of or pertaining to a prelude, also PRELUDIAL.
PULTRUDINGpultruding v. Present participle of pultrude.
PULTRUDE v. to carry out pultrusion, a process for producing reinforced plastic products.
QUINTUPLEDquintupled v. Simple past tense and past participle of quintuple.
QUINTUPLE v. to make fivefold.
SIPUNCULIDsipunculid n. (Zoology) Any member of the clade Sipuncula.
sipunculid n. (Zoology, uncommon) Any member of the family Sipunculidae, the peanut worms.
SIPUNCULID n. a kind of marine worm with a retractile proboscis, also SIPUNCULOID.
SUPERFLUIDsuperfluid n. (Physics) A substance, such as liquid helium, that exhibits superfluidity.
superfluid adj. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting superfluidity.
SUPERFLUID adj. relating to, or demonstrating, superfluidity.
UNSUPPLIEDunsupplied adj. Not supplied.
UNSUPPLIED adj. not supplied.
UNUPLIFTEDunuplifted adj. (Poetic or archaic) Not uplifted; downcast.
UNUPLIFTED adj. not uplifted.
UPBUILDERSUPBUILDER n. one who upbuilds.
UPBUILDINGupbuilding v. Present participle of upbuild.
upbuilding n. The process of building something up; gradual development or accumulation.
UPBUILDING n. development; edification.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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