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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing D, I, L, M and 2N

ADNOMINALSadnominals n. Plural of adnominal.
ADNOMINAL n. a word attached to a noun.
ALMANDINESalmandines n. Plural of almandine.
ALMANDINE n. (French) a deep red garnet consisting of an iron aluminum silicate, also ALABANDINE, ALMANDITE, ALMONDITE.
CALAMONDINcalamondin n. A small decorative evergreen citrus tree, of the hybrid Citrus × microcarpa (syn. ×Citrofortunella mitis)…
calamondin n. The fruit of this tree.
CALAMONDIN n. (Tagalog) a small citrus tree, native to the Philippines; its acid-tasting orange-like fruit.
DISLIMNINGdislimning v. Present participle of dislimn.
DISLIMN v. (Shakespeare) to deface.
DOMINANTLYdominantly adv. In a dominant manner.
DOMINANT adv. controlling.
INFOLDMENTinfoldment n. Archaic form of enfoldment.
INFOLDMENT n. the state of being infolded.
LANDMININGlandmining v. Present participle of landmine.
LANDMINING n. the act of laying landmines.
MAINLANDERmainlander n. Someone who lives on the mainland.
mainlander n. A person from mainland China, as opposed to someone from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan.
mainlander n. Someone who lives in mainland Europe, as opposed to the British Isles.
MANDILIONSmandilions n. Plural of mandilion.
MANDILION n. a loose outer garment worn over armour, also MANDYLION.
MANDOLINESmandolines n. Plural of mandoline.
MANDOLINE n. a musical instrument of the lute kind, also MANDOLIN.
MANDYLIONSmandylions n. Plural of mandylion.
MANDYLION n. a loose outer garment worn over armour, also MANDILION.
MISPLANNEDmisplanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of misplan.
MISPLAN v. to plan badly.
NIDAMENTALnidamental adj. (Zoology) Used to describe an internal organ, in some elasmobranchs and molluscs, that secretes egg…
NIDAMENTAL adj. nest-forming.
NONMEDICALnonmedical adj. Not of a medical character; not directly involved with medicine.
NONMEDICAL adj. not medical.
UNINFLAMEDuninflamed adj. Not inflamed.
UNINFLAMED adj. not inflamed.
UNMAIDENLYunmaidenly adj. Not maidenly.
UNMAIDENLY adj. not like a maiden.
UNMOULDINGunmoulding v. Present participle of unmould.
UNMOULD v. to change the form of; to reduce from any form, also UNMOLD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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