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There are 17 ten-letter words containing D, 2I, O, P and U

AUDIOPHILEaudiophile n. A person with an interest in high fidelity music and/or sound reproduction and its associated technology.
AUDIOPHILE n. a person who is enthusiastic about hi-fidelity sound reproduction, also AUDIOPHIL.
AUDIOPHILSAUDIOPHIL n. a person who is enthusiastic about hi-fidelity sound reproduction, also AUDIOPHILE.
COPURIFIEDcopurified v. Simple past tense and past participle of copurify.
copurified adj. Simultaneously purified (or separated) along with other materials.
co-purified v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-purify.
CUPIDINOUScupidinous adj. Characterized by or related to cupidity (greed, desire for wealth).
CUPIDINOUS adj. full of desire, amorous.
DISPITEOUSdispiteous adj. (Archaic, literary) Not showing mercy or pity.
DISPITEOUS adj. (obsolete) pitiless, malicious.
DISRUPTIONdisruption n. An interruption to the regular flow or sequence of something.
disruption n. A continuing act of disorder.
disruption n. A breaking or bursting apart; a breach.
DOUPPIONISdouppionis n. Plural of douppioni.
DOUPPIONI n. a kind of silk yarn, also DOUPIONI, DUPION.
EQUIPOISEDequipoised v. Simple past tense and past participle of equipoise.
EQUIPOISE v. to provide with a counterbalance.
EUPLOIDIESeuploidies n. Plural of euploidy.
EUPLOIDY n. the state of being an euploid, that is, having a chromosome complement that is an exact multiple of the haploid.
FILOPODIUMfilopodium n. (Cytology) A slender cytoplasmic projection which extends from the leading edge of a migrating cell.
FILOPODIUM n. a threadlike pseudopodium consisting of ectoplasm.
IMPOUNDINGimpounding v. Present participle of impound.
impounding n. An act of impoundment.
IMPOUND v. to seize and retain in legal custody.
OPHIUROIDSophiuroids n. Plural of ophiuroid.
OPHIUROID n. a member of the Ophiura genus of brittle-stars or sand-stars, also OPHIURA, OPHIURAN, OPHIURID.
PERFIDIOUSperfidious adj. Of, pertaining to, or representing perfidy; disloyal to what should command one’s fidelity or allegiance.
PERFIDIOUS adj. characterized by faithlessness or disloyalty.
PRIMORDIUMprimordium n. (Anatomy) An aggregation of cells that is the first stage in the development of an organ.
PRIMORDIUM n. (Latin) the first discernible rudiment.
PRODIGIOUSprodigious adj. Very big in size or quantity; colossal, gigantic, huge.
prodigious adj. Extraordinarily amazing or exciting.
prodigious adj. Freakish; monstrous.
PUNDIGRIONPUNDIGRION n. (obsolete) a play on words, a pun.
UNPOLICIEDunpolicied adj. Not having civil polity, or a regular form of government.
unpolicied adj. (Obsolete) impolitic; imprudent.
UNPOLICIED adj. not having civil polity, or a regular form of government.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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