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There are 20 ten-letter words containing D, 2I, M, P and T

DIATROPISMdiatropism n. (Biology) The growth or movement of a plant or animal in a direction perpendicular to a stimulus.
diatropism n. (Organic chemistry) An orthogonal arrangement of groups of atoms within a molecule, often associated with aromaticity.
diatropism n. The choice of an object of libidinal attachment on the basis of dissimilarity from early childhood protective…
DIPLOMATICdiplomatic adj. Concerning the relationships between the governments of countries.
diplomatic adj. Exhibiting diplomacy; exercising tact or courtesy; using discussion to avoid hard feelings, fights or arguments.
diplomatic adj. Describing a publication of a text which follows a single basic manuscript, but with variants in other…
DIREMPTINGdirempting v. Present participle of dirempt.
DIREMPT v. to separate into two.
DIREMPTIONdiremption n. (Rare) a ripping apart; a forceful sundering.
DIREMPTION n. separation into two.
EPITOMISEDepitomised v. Simple past tense and past participle of epitomise.
EPITOMISE v. to make an epitome of; to shorten or abridge, also EPITOMIZE.
EPITOMIZEDepitomized v. Simple past tense and past participle of epitomize.
EPITOMIZE v. to make an epitome of; to shorten or abridge, also EPITOMISE.
IMPEDIMENTimpediment n. A hindrance; that which impedes or obstructs progress.
impediment n. A disability, especially one affecting the hearing or speech.
impediment n. (Chiefly in the plural) Baggage, especially that of an army; impedimenta.
IMPEDITIVEimpeditive adj. (Archaic) Causing hindrance; impeding.
IMPEDITIVE adj. causing hindrance; impeding.
IMPICTUREDimpictured adj. (Obsolete) pictured; impressed.
IMPICTURED adj. (Spenser) painted.
IMPLICATEDimplicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of implicate.
IMPLICATE v. to involve, to entangle.
IMPUDICITYimpudicity n. (Formal) immodesty; shamelessness.
IMPUDICITY n. immodesty, shamelessness.
MISPAINTEDmispainted v. Simple past tense and past participle of mispaint.
MISPAINT v. to paint wrongly.
MISPOINTEDmispointed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mispoint.
MISPOINT v. to point improperly.
MISPRINTEDmisprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of misprint.
MISPRINT v. to print incorrectly.
MULTIPLIEDmultiplied v. Simple past tense and past participle of multiply.
MULTIPLY v. to increase in number.
PALMATIFIDpalmatifid adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having lobes with incisions that extend less than half-way toward the petiole.
PALMATIFID adj. shaped like the hand, with the divisions extending about halfway down.
PRELIMITEDprelimited v. Simple past tense and past participle of prelimit.
PRELIMIT v. to limit beforehand.
PRISMATOIDprismatoid n. (Mathematics) Any polyhedron whose vertices all lie in either of two parallel planes.
PRISMATOID n. a body that approaches to the form of a prism.
PYRAMIDISTpyramidist n. An expert in Egyptian pyramids.
PYRAMIDIST n. someone who studies the Egyptian pyramids.
TEPIDARIUMtepidarium n. (Historical) A warm room in a Roman baths that was usually heated by a hypocaust.
tepidarium n. (Historical) A boiler in which the water was heated.
tepidarium n. Any room containing a warm bath.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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