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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing D, 3I, L and M

BIRDLIMINGbirdliming v. Present participle of birdlime.
BIRDLIME v. to smear or catch (as) with birdlime.
DELIMITINGdelimiting v. Present participle of delimit.
delimiting n. The act or point of something being delimited.
delimiting adj. That serves to delimit.
DICLINISMSDICLINISM n. the state of having two stamens and pistils, also DICLINY.
DIGITALISMdigitalism n. A medical condition caused by digitalis poisoning.
digitalism n. The condition of living in a digital culture, with computer technology.
DIGITALISM n. a serious condition resulting from digitalis poisoning, characterized by nausea, vomiting, and a disturbance in heart rhythm or rate.
DISLIMBINGdislimbing v. Present participle of dislimb.
DISLIMB v. to tear limb from limb; to dismember.
DISLIMNINGdislimning v. Present participle of dislimn.
DISLIMN v. (Shakespeare) to deface.
DISSIMILARdissimilar adj. Not similar; unalike; different.
DISSIMILAR adj. unlike.
DISSIMILAR n. something not similar.
DISSIMILESdissimiles n. Plural of dissimile.
DISSIMILE n. a comparison or illustration by contraries.
DOMICILINGdomiciling v. Present participle of domicile.
DOMICIL v. to establish in a residence, also DOMICILE.
GINGLIMOIDginglimoid adj. Archaic form of ginglymoid.
GINGLIMOID adj. of or like a ginglymus, a joint that permits movement in one plane only, a hinge joint.
INVALIDISMinvalidism n. The condition of an invalid; sickness; infirmity.
INVALIDISM n. the condition of an invalid.
MINOXIDILSMINOXIDIL n. a peripheral vasodilator used to treat hypertension.
MIRACIDIALmiracidial adj. Relating to miracidia.
MIRACIDIAL adj. relating to a miracidium, the ciliated first-stage larva of a trematode.
MISDIALINGmisdialing v. Present participle of misdial.
misdialing n. An instance of reaching an unintended phone number due to an error in dialing or in using a keypad.
MISDIAL v. to dial incorrectly.
SEMILIQUIDsemiliquid adj. Having properties intermediate between those of a solid and a liquid.
semiliquid adj. Somewhat liquid; able to flow or change, but not entirely freely.
semiliquid n. Any substance with properties intermediate between those of a solid and a liquid.
SIMILITUDEsimilitude n. (Uncountable) Similarity or resemblance to something else.
similitude n. (Countable) A way in which two people or things share similitude.
similitude n. (Countable) Someone or something that closely resembles another; a duplicate or twin.
SIMPLIFIEDsimplified adj. Made more simple; having its complexity reduced.
simplified adj. Relating to simplified Chinese.
simplified v. Simple past tense and past participle of simplify.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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