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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, H, R, 2S and Y

ANHYDRASESanhydrases n. Plural of anhydrase.
ANHYDRASE n. an enzyme that catalyses the removal of water.
CHRYSALIDSchrysalids n. Plural of chrysalid.
CHRYSALID n. a pupa, esp. of a moth or butterfly, enclosed in a firm case or cocoon, also CHRYSALIS.
DRAYHORSESDRAYHORSE n. a horse used to pull a dray.
DYSCHROIASDYSCHROIA n. discoloration of the skin from disease, also DYSCHROA.
DYSPHORIASdysphorias n. Plural of dysphoria.
DYSPHORIA n. depression, pathological discontent.
ENHYDROSESenhydroses n. Plural of enhydros.
ENHYDROS n. (Greek) a variety of chalcedony containing water.
HARASSEDLYharassedly adv. In a harassed manner.
HARASSED adv. HARASS, to bother persistently.
HEDYSARUMShedysarums n. Plural of hedysarum.
HEDYSARUM n. a leguminous plant of the genus Hedysarum including both poisonous species and those with edible roots, e.g. licorice root.
HYBRIDISEShybridises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hybridise.
HYBRIDISE v. to create a hybrid, also HYBRIDIZE.
HYBRIDISMShybridisms n. Plural of hybridism.
HYBRIDISM n. the state of being hybrid, also HYBRIDITY.
HYBRIDISTShybridists n. Plural of hybridist.
HYBRIDIST n. a practitioner of hybridism.
HYDROCASTShydrocasts n. Plural of hydrocast.
HYDROCAST n. a gathering of water samples for analysis.
HYDROLASEShydrolases n. Plural of hydrolase.
HYDROLASE n. a hydrolytic enzyme.
HYDROLYSEShydrolyses n. Plural of hydrolysis.
hydrolyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hydrolyse.
HYDROLYSE v. to subject to hydrolysis, also HYDROLYZE.
HYDROLYSIShydrolysis n. (Chemistry) A chemical process of decomposition involving the splitting of a bond and the addition of…
HYDROLYSIS n. a decomposition reaction involving water, in which hydrogen ions replace other ions.
HYDROPSIEShydropsies n. Plural of hydropsy.
HYDROPSY n. (archaic) dropsy, also HYDROPS.
HYDROSEREShydroseres n. Plural of hydrosere.
HYDROSERE n. an ecological sere originating in an aquatic habitat.
HYDROSOMEShydrosomes n. Plural of hydrosome.
HYDROSOME n. all the zooids of a hydroid colony collectively, also HYDROSOMA.
HYDROSTATShydrostats n. Plural of hydrostat.
HYDROSTAT n. a contrivance or apparatus to prevent the explosion of steam boilers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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