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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing D, H, 2I and 2O

CHIRONOMIDchironomid n. (Entomology) Any of the non-biting midges or Chironomidae, a family of true flies within the order Diptera.
CHIRONOMID n. a member of a large genus of common midges.
DICHOTOMICdichotomic adj. In the form of a dichotomy; dichotomous.
dichotomic adj. (Computing) Choosing between two antithetical choices, between two distinct alternatives. Classification…
dichotomic adj. (Botany) That system of classification which pertains to two opposite criteria.
DIORTHOSISdiorthosis n. (Obsolete) The act of setting a fracture or dislocation.
diorthosis n. A critical revision of a text.
DIORTHOSIS n. a critical revision of a text; any correction or adjustment.
DIORTHOTICdiorthotic adj. Relating to the correcting or straightening out of something; corrective.
DIORTHOTIC adj. relating to the correcting or straightening out of something; corrective.
DITHIONOUSDITHIONOUS adj. as in dithionous acid.
DOOHICKIESdoohickies n. Plural of doohicky (alternative form of doohickeys).
DOOHICKEY n. a doodad, a thingy.
IDIOPHONESidiophones n. Plural of idiophone.
IDIOPHONE n. a percussion instrument made of naturally resonant material.
IDIOPHONICidiophonic adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by an idiophone.
IDIOPHONIC adj. relating to an idiophone.
KINGLIHOODkinglihood n. Kingliness; majesty.
KINGLIHOOD n. kingliness.
LIKELIHOODlikelihood n. The probability of a specified outcome; the chance of something happening; probability; the state or…
likelihood n. (Statistics, probability theory) The probability that some fixed outcome was generated by a random distribution…
likelihood n. Likeness, resemblance.
LIVELIHOODlivelihood n. A means of providing the necessities of life for oneself (for example, a job or income).
livelihood n. (Now rare) Property which brings in an income; an estate.
livelihood n. (Obsolete) Liveliness; appearance of life.
OPHIUROIDSophiuroids n. Plural of ophiuroid.
OPHIUROID n. a member of the Ophiura genus of brittle-stars or sand-stars, also OPHIURA, OPHIURAN, OPHIURID.
PHOLIDOSISpholidosis n. The pattern made by the scales of a reptile.
PHOLIDOSIS n. the arrangement of scales, as in fish and reptiles.
RHOMBOIDEIrhomboidei n. Plural of rhomboideus.
RHOMBOIDEUS n. a rhomboid, also RHOMBOIDES.
VICTIMHOODvictimhood n. The state or perception of being a victim.
VICTIMHOOD n. the state of being a victim.
VIRGINHOODvirginhood n. Virginity; maidenhead.
VIRGINHOOD n. virginity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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