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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing D, G, I and 3S

DESIGNLESSdesignless adj. Without design.
DESIGNLESS adj. without design.
DIGLOSSIASDIGLOSSIA n. the coexistence of a prestige language and a lower language.
DIGRESSERSDIGRESSER n. one who digresses.
DISCUSSINGdiscussing v. Present participle of discuss.
DISCUSS v. to talk over.
DISGUISERSdisguisers n. Plural of disguiser.
DISGUISER n. one who disguises.
DISMISSINGdismissing v. Present participle of dismiss.
DISMISS v. to send away.
DISPOSINGSdisposings n. Plural of disposing.
DISPOSING n. the act of putting in place.
DISSAVINGSdissavings n. An amount that is dissaved.
DISSAVING n. the spending of savings made in the past to finance an excess of spending over disposable income, thus diminishing accumulated assets.
DISSEISINGdisseising v. Present participle of disseise.
DISSEISE v. to deprive of seisin, to dispossess wrongfully, also DISSEIZE.
DYSGENESISdysgenesis n. (Medicine) Defective development.
DYSGENESIS n. sterility in hybrid creatures.
EDGINESSESedginesses n. Plural of edginess.
EDGINESS n. the state of being edgy.
GEODESISTSgeodesists n. Plural of geodesist.
GEODESIST n. one versed in geodesy, the branch of mathematics that deals with the shape and area of the earth.
GLISSADERSglissaders n. Plural of glissader.
GLISSADER n. one who glissades.
GLISSANDOSglissandos n. Plural of glissando; glissandi.
GLISSANDO n. (Italian) a gliding effect.
GRASSBIRDSgrassbirds n. Plural of grassbird.
GRASSBIRD n. an Australasian warbler with streaked brown plumage.
MISGUESSEDmisguessed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misguess.
MISGUESS v. to guess wrongly.
SMUDGINESSsmudginess n. The state or condition of being smudgy.
SMUDGINESS n. the state of being smudgy.
STODGINESSstodginess n. The state or quality of being stodgy.
STODGINESS n. the state of being stodgy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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