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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, F, O, 2R and T

AFTERWORDSafterwords n. Plural of afterword.
AFTERWORD n. an epilogue.
AFTERWORLDafterworld n. A supposed world that is entered after death; the realm of the afterlife.
after-world n. Alternative spelling of afterworld.
AFTERWORLD n. a future world.
DEFORESTERdeforester n. One who clears an area of forest.
DEFORESTER n. one who deforests.
DEFROSTERSdefrosters n. Plural of defroster.
DEFROSTER n. something that defrosts.
FEDERATORSfederators n. Plural of federator.
FEDERATOR n. one who federates.
FERROTYPEDferrotyped v. Simple past tense and past participle of ferrotype.
FERROTYPE v. to take a photograph by ferrotype.
FORTRESSEDfortressed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fortress.
FORTRESS v. to strengthen with a fortress.
FORWARDESTforwardest adj. Superlative form of forward: most forward.
FORWARD adj. towards the future.
FRETBOARDSfretboards n. Plural of fretboard.
FRETBOARD n. a fingerboard with frets on a stringed musical instrument.
FRONTIEREDfrontiered adj. Placed on the frontiers.
FRONTIER v. (Spenser) to border.
FRONTWARDSfrontwards adj. Oriented towards the front.
frontwards adv. Towards the front.
FRONTWARDS adv. towards the front, also FRONTWARD.
OVERDRAFTSoverdrafts n. Plural of overdraft.
OVERDRAFT n. the overdrawing of a bank account.
PERFORATEDperforated adj. Pierced with holes.
perforated v. Simple past tense and past participle of perforate.
PERFORATE v. to bore through or into.
REFORESTEDreforested v. Simple past tense and past participle of reforest.
REFOREST v. to replant with trees.
RETROFIREDretrofired v. Simple past tense and past participle of retrofire.
RETROFIRE v. to cause a retrorocket to become ignited.
ROADCRAFTSROADCRAFT n. knowledge and skill useful to road users.
RUTHERFORDrutherford n. An obsolete unit of radioactivity (symbol: rd), defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive…
Rutherford prop.n. A Scottish habitational surname from Old English from a place where there was once a settlement in the…
Rutherford prop.n. (Rare) A male given name transferred from the surname.
SWORDCRAFTswordcraft n. Knowledge of or skill in the use of the sword or swordplay.
swordcraft n. Management by the sword, military skill, or military power; military compulsion.
SWORDCRAFT n. skill at making swords.
UNDERCROFTundercroft n. A cellar or vaulted storage room.
undercroft n. A ground-level car park that occupies the base of a building.
UNDERCROFT n. an underground room or vault, esp. under a church.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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