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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing D, F, I, L, M and U

DISULFIRAMdisulfiram n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound (trademark Antabuse) used in the treatment of alcoholics to make…
DISULFIRAM n. a compound used in the treatment of alcoholism.
EMULSIFIEDemulsified v. Simple past tense and past participle of emulsify.
EMULSIFY v. to convert into an emulsion.
FEUDALISMSfeudalisms n. Plural of feudalism.
FEUDALISM n. the feudal system; a system by which the holding of estates in land is made dependent upon an obligation to render military service to the king or feudal superior.
FIELDMOUSEfieldmouse n. Alternative spelling of field mouse.
field␣mouse n. (North America) A small vole such as the meadow vole.
field␣mouse n. One of several species of mice in genus Apodemus found in Eurasia and Africa.
FILOPODIUMfilopodium n. (Cytology) A slender cytoplasmic projection which extends from the leading edge of a migrating cell.
FILOPODIUM n. a threadlike pseudopodium consisting of ectoplasm.
FORMULISEDformulised v. Simple past tense and past participle of formulise.
FORMULISE v. to express in a formula, also FORMULIZE.
FORMULIZEDformulized v. Simple past tense and past participle of formulize.
FORMULIZE v. to express in a formula, also FORMULISE.
FULMINATEDfulminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fulminate.
FULMINATE v. to send forth censures or invectives.
MISDEEMFULMISDEEMFUL adj. having a mistaken judgment of.
MULTIFACEDmultifaced adj. Having more than one face; multifaceted.
MULTIFACED adj. having many faces.
MULTIFIDLYmultifidly adv. In a multifid manner.
MULTIFID adv. having many divisions, also MULTIFIDOUS.
RADULIFORMraduliform adj. Rasplike.
RADULIFORM adj. like a rasp or file.
SEMIFEUDALsemifeudal adj. Having certain aspects of feudalism.
SEMIFEUDAL adj. half feudal.
SEMIFLUIDSsemifluids n. Plural of semifluid.
SEMIFLUID n. something that is imperfectly fluid.
UNINFLAMEDuninflamed adj. Not inflamed.
UNINFLAMED adj. not inflamed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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