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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing D, E, I, M and 2P

HIPPIEDOMSHIPPIEDOM n. the world of the hippie, also HIPPYDOM.
HIPPODAMEShippodames n. Plural of hippodame.
HIPPODAME n. (Spenser) a fabulous sea monster.
HIPPODROMEhippodrome n. A horse racing course.
hippodrome n. (US, slang, sports) A fraudulent sporting contest with a predetermined winner.
hippodrome n. (Archaic) A circus with equestrian performances.
MISAPPLIEDmisapplied v. Simple past tense and past participle of misapply.
MISAPPLY v. to apply wrongly.
MISSTEPPEDmisstepped v. Simple past tense and past participle of misstep.
MISSTEP v. to make a wrong step.
MISSTOPPEDmisstopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of misstop.
MISSTOP v. to stop wrongly.
MUDPUPPIESmudpuppies n. Plural of mudpuppy.
mud␣puppies n. Plural of mud puppy.
MUDPUPPY n. a large salamander, the axolotl.
MUDSKIPPERmudskipper n. Any of various gobies of the subfamily Oxudercinae that are able to survive out of water by breathing…
MUDSKIPPER n. a fish of mud flats and mangrove swamps, also MUDHOPPER.
PALMIPEDESpalmipedes n. Plural of palmipede.
PALMIPEDE n. a webfooted bird, also PALMIPED.
PEMPHIGOIDpemphigoid n. (Pathology) Any of a group of rare autoimmune blistering skin diseases that superficially resemble pemphigus.
PEMPHIGOID adj. relating to pemphigus, a skin disease, characterized by the development of blebs upon different part of the body, also PEMPHIGOUS.
PEMPHIGOID n. any of a group of skin diseases, also PEMPHIGOUS.
PREIMPOSEDpreimposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of preimpose.
PREIMPOSE v. to impose in advance.
YUPPIEDOMSYUPPIEDOM n. the state of being a yuppie, also YUPPYDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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