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There are 18 ten-letter words containing D, E, H, 2N and T

DETHRONINGdethroning v. Present participle of dethrone.
dethroning n. The removal of a ruler from the throne.
DETHRONING n. the act of removing from a throne.
DISENCHANTdisenchant v. (Transitive, of a person) To free from illusion, false belief or enchantment; to undeceive or disillusion.
disenchant v. (Transitive, of a person) To disappoint.
disenchant v. (Transitive, of a thing) To remove a spell or magic enchantment from.
ENTRENCHEDentrenched v. Simple past tense and past participle of entrench.
ENTRENCH v. to fix firmly, also INTRENCH.
HINTERLANDhinterland n. The land immediately next to, and inland from, a coast.
hinterland n. The rural territory surrounding an urban area, especially a port.
hinterland n. A remote or undeveloped area, a backwater.
INTRENCHEDintrenched v. Simple past tense and past participle of intrench.
INTRENCH v. to fix firmly, also ENTRENCH.
LANTHANIDElanthanide n. (Chemistry) Any of the 15 rare earth elements from lanthanum to lutetium in the periodic table; because…
lanthanide n. (Chemistry) Any of the 14 rare earth elements from lanthanum to ytterbium (lutetium is excluded by some…
lanthanide n. (Chemistry, dated) Any of the 14 rare earth elements from cerium to lutetium (lanthanum having been…
LENGTHENEDlengthened v. Simple past tense and past participle of lengthen.
LENGTHEN v. to make longer.
SHITCANNEDshitcanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of shitcan.
shit-canned v. Simple past tense and past participle of shit-can.
shit␣canned v. Simple past tense and past participle of shit can.
SHOTGUNNEDshotgunned v. Simple past tense and past participle of shotgun.
SHOTGUN v. to shoot with a type of gun.
SPHENODONTsphenodont n. (Zoology) Any member of the order Sphenodontida.
SPHENODONT n. a member of the Sphenodont group of lizards, to which the tuatara belongs.
STONEHANDSSTONEHAND n. in printing, an imposer, a person whose sets the type in a chase.
THUNDERINGthundering v. Present participle of thunder.
thundering adj. Of, pertaining to, or accompanied by thunder.
thundering adj. Producing a noise or effect like thunder; thunderous.
UNDERNEATHunderneath adv. Below; in a place beneath.
underneath adv. On the underside or lower face.
underneath prep. Under, below, beneath.
UNENTHUSEDunenthused adj. Not enthused.
UNHANDIESTunhandiest adj. Superlative form of unhandy: most unhandy.
UNHANDY adj. clumsy, awkward.
UNKNIGHTEDunknighted adj. Not knighted.
UNKNIGHT v. to divest of knighthood.
UNSTANCHEDunstanched adj. Not stanched.
UNSTANCHED adj. not stanched.
UNTRENCHEDuntrenched adj. (Obsolete) Without trenches; whole; intact.
UNTRENCHED adj. without trenches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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