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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, E, F, M, O and U

DUMFOUNDEDdumfounded adj. Misspelling of dumbfounded.
dumfounded v. Misspelling of dumbfounded.
DUMFOUND v. to strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment, also DUMBFOUND, DUMBFOUNDER, DUMFOUNDER.
DUMFOUNDERdumfounder v. To dumbfound; to confound.
DUMFOUNDER v. to strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment, also DUMBFOUND, DUMBFOUNDER, DUMFOUND.
FIELDMOUSEfieldmouse n. Alternative spelling of field mouse.
field␣mouse n. (North America) A small vole such as the meadow vole.
field␣mouse n. One of several species of mice in genus Apodemus found in Eurasia and Africa.
FLUNKEYDOMflunkeydom n. The state of a being a flunkey.
FLUNKEYDOM n. the world of flunkeys.
FORMULATEDformulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of formulate.
FORMULATE v. to state or express in a clear definite form.
FORMULISEDformulised v. Simple past tense and past participle of formulise.
FORMULISE v. to express in a formula, also FORMULIZE.
FORMULIZEDformulized v. Simple past tense and past participle of formulize.
FORMULIZE v. to express in a formula, also FORMULISE.
FUROSEMIDEfurosemide n. (Pharmacology) A diuretic (trademark Lasix) used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and edema.
FUROSEMIDE n. a synthetic diuretic drug used esp. in treating oedema, also FRUSEMIDE.
MEDUSIFORMmedusiform adj. (Zoology) Resembling a medusa in shape or structure.
MEDUSIFORM adj. resembling a jellyfish.
MISFOCUSEDmisfocused v. Simple past tense and past participle of misfocus.
MISFOCUS v. to focus badly.
OUTFUMBLEDoutfumbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outfumble.
OUTFUMBLE v. to surpass in fumbling.
UNDEFORMEDundeformed adj. Not deformed.
UNDEFORMED adj. not deformed.
UNFATHOMEDunfathomed adj. Of unknown depth.
unfathomed adj. Not explored or understood.
UNFATHOMED adj. not fathomed.
UNFOLDMENTunfoldment n. Unfolding.
UNFOLDMENT n. the act of unfolding, or the state of being unfolded.
UNFREEDOMSunfreedoms n. Plural of unfreedom.
UNFREEDOM n. lack of freedom.
UNINFORMEDuninformed adj. Not informed; ignorant.
uninformed adj. (Obsolete) Not imbued with life or activity.
UNINFORMED adj. not informed.
UNMODIFIEDunmodified adj. Not modified.
UNMODIFIED adj. not modified.
UNREFORMEDunreformed adj. Not reformed.
UNREFORMED adj. not reformed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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