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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing D, 2E, I, M and W

DISEMBOWELdisembowel v. (Transitive) To take or let out the bowels or interior parts of; to eviscerate.
disembowel v. (Transitive) To take or draw from the body, as the web of a spider.
DISEMBOWEL v. to take out the bowels of.
DISEMPOWERdisempower v. To strip power from (someone or some group), as…
DISEMPOWER v. to deprive of power; to divest of strength.
DISEMVOWELdisemvowel v. (Transitive, sometimes humorous) To remove the vowels from, for example, for the purpose of expurgating…
DISEMVOWEL v. to remove the vowels from (a word in a text message, email, etc.) in order to abbreviate it.
DREAMWHILEDREAMWHILE n. the duration of a dream.
JIMSONWEEDjimsonweed n. (US) A poisonous plant of the Datura stramonium species, part of the nightshade (Solanaceae) family…
jimsonweed n. (US, by extension, proscribed) Any poisonous plant of the genus Datura.
jimson␣weed n. Alternative spelling of jimsonweed.
MAIDENWEEDMAIDENWEED n. another name for mayweed.
MEADOWIESTMEADOWY adj. of or pertaining to meadows.
MIDDLEWAREmiddleware n. (Computing) Software that functions at an intermediate layer between applications and operating system…
middleware n. (Computing) Networking software or hardware that is deployed in the middle of, as opposed to serviced…
MIDDLEWARE n. computer software that has an intermediary function between the various applications of a computer and its operating system.
MIDWESTERNmidwestern adj. Alternative letter-case form of Midwestern.
midwestern adj. Of or pertaining to any region identified as midwest.
Midwestern adj. (US) Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Midwest.
MILDEWCIDEmildewcide n. Any agent or preparation that kills mildew.
MILDEWIESTMILDEWY adj. covered with mildew.
STEMWINDERstemwinder n. Alternative spelling of stem-winder.
stem-winder n. A watch that is wound up by turning a small knob (at the stem).
stem-winder n. (US) A rousing speech, especially by a politician.
SWIMFEEDERSWIMFEEDER n. a device containing bait, attached to the line to ensure the gradual baiting of the swim from under the surface.
TANDEMWISEtandemwise adj. Arranged in tandem (one behind the other).
tandemwise adv. Arranged in tandem (one behind the other).
TANDEMWISE adv. in tandem.
WILDERMENTwilderment n. (Archaic) The state of being bewildered; confusion; bewilderment.
WILDERMENT n. the state of being bewildered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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