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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2D, E, G, L and R

BEDRAGGLEDbedraggled adj. Wet and limp; unkempt.
bedraggled adj. Decaying, decrepit or dilapidated.
bedraggled v. Simple past tense and past participle of bedraggle.
DEGRADABLEdegradable adj. Able to be chemically or biologically degraded.
degradable n. Any material that can be degraded or decomposed.
DEGRADABLE adj. capable of being chemically degraded.
DEGRADEDLYdegradedly adv. In a degraded manner.
DEGRADED adv. DEGRADE, to debase, also DISGRADE.
DENDROLOGYdendrology n. The study of trees and other woody plants.
DENDROLOGY n. the study of trees.
DERIDINGLYderidingly adv. In a deriding way; mockingly.
DERIDING adv. DERIDE, to ridicule, mock.
DOGSLEDDERdogsledder n. One who rides a dogsled.
DOGSLEDDER n. one who travels by dogsled.
GLADDENERSGLADDENER n. one who gladdens.
GOLDENRODSgoldenrods n. Plural of goldenrod.
GOLDENROD n. a dark golden yellow flower.
GOLDTHREADgoldthread n. Any of the genus Coptis of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae, native to Asia and North America.
GOLDTHREAD n. a North American woodland ranunculaceous plant, with slender yellow roots that yield a medicinal tonic and a dye.
GRIDLOCKEDgridlocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of gridlock.
gridlocked adj. (Of traffic) Stationary in a gridlock.
GRIDLOCK v. to cause a severe traffic jam.
GROUNDEDLYgroundedly adv. In a grounded or firmly established manner.
GROUNDED adv. GROUND, to place on a foundation.
NIDDERLINGnidderling n. (Archaic) Someone who is weak and cowardly.
nidderling adj. (Archaic) Unmanly.
NIDDERLING n. an infamous person; an abject coward, also NIDDERING, NIDERING, NIDERLING, NIDING, NITHING.
OVERGILDEDovergilded adj. Gilded on top.
overgilded adj. Excessively gilded, to the point of being gaudy.
OVERGILD v. to gild over.
PARAGLIDEDparaglided v. Simple past tense and past participle of paraglide.
PARAGLIDE v. to glide through the air on a special parachute.
RECLADDINGrecladding v. Present participle of reclad.
RECLAD v. to clad again.
RESADDLINGresaddling v. Present participle of resaddle.
RESADDLE v. to saddle again.
SLIDDERINGsliddering v. Present participle of slidder.
SLIDDER v. (Scots) to slip, slide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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