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There are 12 words containing D, M, N, U and X

UNMIXEDunmixed adj. Pure, not mixed or combined.
UNMIX v. to separate from a mixture.
UNMIXEDLYunmixedly adv. In a way that is not mixed or adulterated; wholly, entirely.
UNMIXED adv. UNMIX, to separate from a mixture.
UNEXAMINEDunexamined adj. That which has not been examined.
UNEXAMINED adj. not examined.
UNEXAMPLEDunexampled adj. Lacking prior examples; unprecedented.
UNEXAMPLED adj. having no example or similar case; being without precedent.
HYDROXONIUMhydroxonium n. (Chemistry) The cation obtained by reacting a proton with water - H3O+; hydronium.
HYDROXONIUM n. the obsolete name for the cation H3O+ derived from protonation of water.
XENODOCHIUMxenodochium n. A room (or separate guesthouse) in a monastery for the temporary accommodation of guests or pilgrims.
XENODOCHIUM n. a building for the reception of strangers, e.g. a guesthouse in a monastery.
EXTRAMUNDANEextramundane adj. Beyond mundane, beyond ordinary.
extramundane adj. Extraterrestrial; occurring or originating outside of the Earth.
EXTRAMUNDANE adj. beyond the known universe.
HYDROXONIUMShydroxoniums n. Plural of hydroxonium.
HYDROXONIUM n. the obsolete name for the cation H3O+ derived from protonation of water.
XENODOCHIUMSxenodochiums n. Plural of xenodochium.
XENODOCHIUM n. a building for the reception of strangers, e.g. a guesthouse in a monastery.
UNEXEMPLIFIEDunexemplified adj. Not exemplified; of which no example has been seen.
UNEXEMPLIFIED adj. not exemplified.
EXCOMMUNICATEDexcommunicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of excommunicate.
EXCOMMUNICATE v. to formally exclude someone from a group or community, esp. from a religious community.
DEXFENFLURAMINEdexfenfluramine n. A serotonergic anorectic drug used for weight loss in the 1990s, later withdrawn because of cardiovascular…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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