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There are 12 words containing D, L, 2R and X

DEXTRORSALdextrorsal adj. Synonym of dextrorse.
DEXTRORSAL adj. rising spirally and turning to the left, also DEXTRORSE.
EXTRADURALextradural adj. (Anatomy) Outside of the dura mater.
extradural n. Such an injection.
EXTRADURAL n. the epidural injection of an anaesthetic esp. in childbirth.
REEXPLOREDreexplored v. Simple past tense and past participle of reexplore.
REEXPLORE v. to explore again.
DEXTRORSELYdextrorsely adv. In a dextrorse manner.
DEXTRORSE adv. rising spirally and turning to the left, also DEXTRORSAL.
EXTRADURALSextradurals n. Plural of extradural.
EXTRADURAL n. the epidural injection of an anaesthetic esp. in childbirth.
RETROFLEXEDretroflexed adj. Bent in a posterior (backwards) direction, as the uterus.
retroflexed adj. (Phonetics) Being retroflex.
RETROFLEX v. to bend back.
ULTRAORTHODOXultraorthodox adj. Very orthodox, chiefly among Jewish sects.
ultra-Orthodox adj. (Of a Jew) Very strictly observant; Haredi; being either Hasidic or Litvish (Misnagdic).
ULTRAORTHODOX adj. extremely orthodox.
EXTRAPYRAMIDALextrapyramidal adj. Of or pertaining to the neural pathways that are independent of the pyramidal tract.
EXTRAPYRAMIDAL adj. situated outside of the pyramidal tracts.
HYDROXYPROLINEhydroxyproline n. (Biochemistry) A hydroxy derivative of the amino acid proline found in the structural proteins of connective tissue.
HYDROXYPROLINE n. an amino acid.
EXTRAORDINARILYextraordinarily adv. In an extraordinary manner.
EXTRAORDINARY adv. going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary.
HYDROXYPROLINEShydroxyprolines n. Plural of hydroxyproline.
HYDROXYPROLINE n. an amino acid.
SINISTRODEXTRALsinistrodextral adj. Moving or directed from the left to the right.
SINISTRODEXTRAL adj. going or directed from left to right, as a sinistrodextral script.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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