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There are 13 words containing D, I, J, M and R

JEMIDARjemidar n. Alternative spelling of jemadar.
JEMIDAR n. (Urdu) in the native army of India, an officer of a rank corresponding to that of lieutenant in the English army, also JAMADAR, JEMADAR.
JEMIDARSjemidars n. Plural of jemidar.
JEMIDAR n. (Urdu) in the native army of India, an officer of a rank corresponding to that of lieutenant in the English army, also JAMADAR, JEMADAR.
JEREMIADjeremiad n. A long speech or prose work that bitterly laments the state of society and its morals, and often contains…
JEREMIAD n. a literary work or speech expressing a bitter lament or a righteous prophecy of doom.
JEREMIADSjeremiads n. Plural of jeremiad.
JEREMIAD n. a literary work or speech expressing a bitter lament or a righteous prophecy of doom.
JERRYMANDERINGjerrymandering v. Present participle of jerrymander.
JERRYMANDER v. to rearrange (voting districts) in the interests of a particular party or candidate, also GERRYMANDER.
MICROINJECTEDmicroinjected v. Simple past tense and past participle of microinject.
MICROINJECT v. to inject (a substance) into a microscopic object, esp. a single cell.
MISCONJECTUREDmisconjectured v. Simple past tense and past participle of misconjecture.
MISCONJECTURE v. to make a wrong conjecture.
MISJOINDERmisjoinder n. (Law) An incorrect union of parties or of causes of action in a procedure in court.
MISJOINDER n. an incorrect union of parties or of causes of action in a procedure, criminal or civil.
MISJOINDERSmisjoinders n. Plural of misjoinder.
MISJOINDER n. an incorrect union of parties or of causes of action in a procedure, criminal or civil.
MISJUDGERmisjudger n. One who misjudges.
MISJUDGER n. one who misjudges.
MISJUDGERSmisjudgers n. Plural of misjudger.
MISJUDGER n. one who misjudges.
WINDJAMMERwindjammer n. (US, slang, dated) One who plays a wind instrument, especially a bugler in the army.
windjammer n. (Nautical) A sailing ship; especially a large, iron-hulled, square-rigged ship with three or more masts.
windjammer n. (Nautical) A member of the crew of a ship of this kind.
WINDJAMMERSwindjammers n. Plural of windjammer.
WINDJAMMER n. a large merchant sailing ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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