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There are 9 words containing D, H, J, R and S

COADJUTORSHIPcoadjutorship n. The state or office of a coadjutor; joint assistance.
COADJUTORSHIP n. the office of coadjutor.
COADJUTORSHIPScoadjutorships n. Plural of coadjutorship.
COADJUTORSHIP n. the office of coadjutor.
HANDJARShandjars n. Plural of handjar.
HANDJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANJAR, KHANJAR.
JAGHIRDARSjaghirdars n. Plural of jaghirdar.
JAGHIRDAR n. (Hindi) the holder of a jaghir, in Pakistan, a village or district the government and revenues of which are assigned to some person.
JARHEADSjarheads n. Plural of jarhead.
JARHEAD n. an American marine soldier.
JERKINHEADSjerkinheads n. Plural of jerkinhead.
JERKINHEAD n. a truncated gable with a lipped roof.
JOBHOLDERSjobholders n. Plural of jobholder.
JOBHOLDER n. one who has a job.
JODHPURSjodhpurs n. Flared riding trousers of heavy cloth, fitting tightly from knee to ankle.
JODHPUR n. (Hindi) usually in plural, long riding-breeches, wide around the hips but close-fitting from knee to ankle.
JOLTERHEADSjolterheads n. Plural of jolterhead.
JOLTERHEAD n. (archaic) a clumsy oaf, a blockhead, also JOLTHEAD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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