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There are 20 words containing D, 2F, G and T

AFFRIGHTEDaffrighted adj. (Archaic) Terrified.
affrighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of affright.
AFFRIGHT v. to frighten.
AFFRIGHTEDLYaffrightedly adv. (Archaic, poetic) with fright.
AFFRIGHTED adv. AFFRIGHT, to frighten.
AFFRIGHTENEDaffrightened adj. (Archaic) frightened, affected by fright.
AFFRIGHTEN v. to frighten, also AFFRIGHT.
AGRIFOODSTUFFSagrifoodstuffs n. Plural of agrifoodstuff.
AGRIFOODSTUFFS n. the foods produced by agriculture.
DECAFFEINATINGdecaffeinating v. Present participle of decaffeinate.
DECAFFEINATE v. to remove caffeine from.
DIFFERENTIATINGdifferentiating v. Present participle of differentiate.
DIFFERENTIATE v. to obtain the mathematical derivative of.
DIFFRACTINGdiffracting v. Present participle of diffract.
DIFFRACT v. to separate into parts.
DIFFRANGIBILITYdiffrangibility n. Ability to be diffracted.
DIFFRANGIBILITY n. the state of being diffrangible, capable of being diffracted or separated.
DISAFFECTINGdisaffecting v. Present participle of disaffect.
DISAFFECT v. to take away the affection of; to make discontented or unfriendly.
DISAFFILIATINGdisaffiliating v. Present participle of disaffiliate.
DISAFFILIATE v. to end an affiliation.
DISAFFORESTINGdisafforesting v. Present participle of disafforest.
DISAFFOREST v. to clear of forest, also DISFOREST.
FAULTFINDINGfaultfinding n. Excessive or petty criticism.
faultfinding adj. Tending to find fault.
fault-finding n. Alternative form of faultfinding.
FAULTFINDINGSfaultfindings n. Plural of faultfinding.
FAULTFINDING n. the act of finding fault.
FEEDINGSTUFFfeedingstuff n. Any foodstuff used to feed livestock.
feeding␣stuff n. Alternative form of feedingstuff.
FEEDINGSTUFF n. stuff used to feed animals.
FEEDINGSTUFFSfeedingstuffs n. Plural of feedingstuff.
feeding␣stuffs n. Plural of feeding stuff.
FEEDINGSTUFF n. stuff used to feed animals.
GRAFFITIEDgraffitied v. Simple past tense and past participle of graffiti.
GRAFFITI v. to deface with graffiti.
INTERDIFFUSINGinterdiffusing v. Present participle of interdiffuse.
INTERDIFFUSE v. to diffuse between.
SUFFUMIGATEDsuffumigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of suffumigate.
SUFFUMIGATE v. to fumigate from below.
UNDERSTAFFINGunderstaffing v. Present participle of understaff.
understaffing n. The situation of having insufficient members of staff.
UNDERSTAFFING n. inadequate staffing.
UNDERSTAFFINGSunderstaffings n. Plural of understaffing.
UNDERSTAFFING n. inadequate staffing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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