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There are 17 words containing D, E, J and 2M

JACKHAMMEREDjackhammered v. Simple past tense and past participle of jackhammer.
JACKHAMMER v. to hammer with a jackhammer.
JAMMEDjammed adj. Stuck.
jammed adj. Overcrowded; congested.
jammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jam.
JEMMIEDjemmied v. Simple past tense and past participle of jemmy.
JEMMY v. to force open with a short crowbar, also JIMMIE, JIMMY.
JIMMIEDjimmied v. Simple past tense and past participle of jimmy.
JIMMIE v. to pry open with a jimmie, also JEMMY, JIMMY.
LOGJAMMEDlogjammed adj. Blocked by a logjam; delayed or impeded.
LOGJAM v. to cause a logjam.
MALADJUSTMENTmaladjustment n. A poor or faulty adjustment, especially of a mechanism.
maladjustment n. (Psychology) The inability to adapt oneself to the needs of others, or to the stresses of normal life.
MALADJUSTMENT n. poor, faulty, or inadequate adjustment.
MALADJUSTMENTSmaladjustments n. Plural of maladjustment.
MALADJUSTMENT n. poor, faulty, or inadequate adjustment.
MIDDELMANNETJIEmiddelmannetjie n. (South Africa) A ridge between ruts made by wheels in a dirt or gravel road.
MIDDELMANNETJIE n. (South African) a ridge between the ruts made by wheels in a dirt road.
MISADJUSTMENTmisadjustment n. Wrong or unsuitable adjustment.
MISADJUSTMENTSmisadjustments n. Plural of misadjustment.
MISJUDGEMENTmisjudgement n. Alternative form of misjudgment.
MISJUDGEMENT n. an erroneous judgment, also MISJUDGMENT.
MISJUDGEMENTSmisjudgements n. Plural of misjudgement.
MISJUDGEMENT n. an erroneous judgment, also MISJUDGMENT.
MISJUDGMENTmisjudgment n. An act of misjudging; a mistake in judgment.
MISJUDGMENT n. an erroneous judgment, also MISJUDGEMENT.
MISJUDGMENTSmisjudgments n. Plural of misjudgment.
MISJUDGMENT n. an erroneous judgment, also MISJUDGEMENT.
UNJAMMEDunjammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unjam.
unjammed adj. Not jammed.
UNJAM v. to free from jamming.
WINDJAMMERwindjammer n. (US, slang, dated) One who plays a wind instrument, especially a bugler in the army.
windjammer n. (Nautical) A sailing ship; especially a large, iron-hulled, square-rigged ship with three or more masts.
windjammer n. (Nautical) A member of the crew of a ship of this kind.
WINDJAMMERSwindjammers n. Plural of windjammer.
WINDJAMMER n. a large merchant sailing ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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