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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, 3N and U

ANNOUNCEDannounced v. Simple past tense and past participle of announce.
ANNOUNCE v. to make known publicly.
DUNNAKINSdunnakins n. Plural of dunnakin.
DUNNAKIN n. an outside lavatory, also DUNNY, DONNIKER.
ENDUNGEONendungeon v. (Transitive) To confine in a dungeon.
ENDUNGEON v. to shut up in a dungeon.
INNUENDOSinnuendos n. Plural of innuendo.
INNUENDO n. an insinuation.
NONFUNDEDnonfunded adj. Not funded.
NONFUNDED adj. not funded.
NUNDINALSnundinals n. Plural of nundinal.
NUNDINAL n. any of the letters from A to H relating to days of the ancient Roman calendar.
SUNTANNEDsuntanned adj. Having a suntan.
suntanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of suntan.
SUNTAN v. to tan in the sun.
UNANNEXEDunannexed adj. Not annexed.
UNANNEXED adj. not annexed.
UNANNOYEDunannoyed adj. Not annoyed.
UNANNOYED adj. not annoyed.
UNBENDINGunbending adj. Inflexible and not yielding.
unbending adj. Very reserved, aloof and asocial.
unbending v. Present participle of unbend.
UNBINDINGunbinding v. Present participle of unbind.
unbinding n. The release or freeing of something that was bound.
UNBINDING n. the act of unbinding.
UNDAWNINGundawning adj. (Poetic) That does not dawn.
UNDAWNING adj. not yet dawning.
UNHANDINGunhanding v. Present participle of unhand.
UNHAND v. to remove the hand from.
UNNUANCEDunnuanced adj. Not nuanced.
UNNUANCED adj. not nuanced.
UNPENNIEDunpennied adj. (Obsolete) penniless.
UNPENNIED adj. without pennies.
UNPLANNEDunplanned adj. Unintentional; not intended.
unplanned adj. Spontaneous and not thought through in advance.
unplanned adj. Not having any structure or organization.
UNSCANNEDunscanned adj. Not having been scanned.
unscanned adj. Involving a technique that does not involve scanning, where an alternative technique that does involve…
unscanned adj. Unobserved, unexamined, or unconsidered.
UNSHUNNEDunshunned adj. Not shunned.
UNSHUNNED adj. not shunned.
UNSKINNEDunskinned adj. Not skinned; not having had the skin removed.
UNSKINNED adj. not skinned.
UNWINDINGunwinding v. Present participle of unwind.
unwinding n. The act by which something is unwound.
unwinding adj. Not winding or meandering; straight, direct.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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