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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, F, 2S and T

DEFORESTSdeforests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deforest.
deForests prop.n. Alternative form of DeForests; plural of deForest.
Deforests prop.n. Alternative form of DeForests; plural of Deforest.
DESKFASTSdeskfasts n. Plural of deskfast.
DESKFAST n. breakfast eaten at one's desk.
DIGESTIFSdigestifs n. Plural of digestif.
DIGESTIF n. an alcoholic drink taken after a meal.
DISFORESTdisforest v. To disafforest.
DISFOREST v. to clear of forest, also DISAFFOREST.
DISINFESTdisinfest v. (Transitive) To eliminate insects, vermin, or other pests from.
DISINFEST v. to remove infestation from.
DRIFTLESSdriftless adj. Having no drift or direction; without aim; purposeless.
DRIFTLESS adj. without drift.
DYESTUFFSdyestuffs n. Plural of dyestuff.
DYESTUFF n. a substance used in dyeing.
FETIDNESSfetidness n. The quality of being fetid.
FETIDNESS n. the state of being fetid.
HANDFASTShandfasts n. Plural of handfast.
handfasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of handfast.
HANDFAST v. to betroth.
HEADFASTSheadfasts n. Plural of headfast.
HEADFAST n. a mooring rope.
HOLDFASTSholdfasts n. Plural of holdfast.
HOLDFAST n. the anchoring base of an alga.
REDSHIFTSredshifts n. Plural of redshift.
red␣shifts n. Plural of red shift.
REDSHIFT n. the displacement of the light a receding object emits toward the red end of the spectrum.
SATISFIEDsatisfied v. Simple past tense and past participle of satisfy.
satisfied adj. In a state of satisfaction.
satisfied adj. Convinced based on the available evidence.
SOFTGOODSsoftgoods n. Soft products manufactured from textiles, such as clothes, mats, curtains, and cushions.
SOFTGOODS n. clothing and soft furniture.
SOFTHEADSsoftheads n. Plural of softhead.
SOFTHEAD n. a foolish person.
SOFTWOODSsoftwoods n. Plural of softwood.
SOFTWOOD n. the soft wood of various trees.
STANDFASTstand␣fast v. (Idiomatic) stand firm.
stand␣fast interj. (Archery) a warning not to pass between the arrow and the target.
STANDFAST n. a reliable person or thing.
STANDOFFSstandoffs n. Plural of standoff.
stand-offs n. Plural of stand-off.
STANDOFF n. a tie or a draw, in a game.
STEADFASTsteadfast adj. Fixed or unchanging; steady.
steadfast adj. Firmly loyal or constant; unswerving.
STEADFAST adj. firm, unwavering, also STEDFAST.
STUDFARMSstudfarms n. Plural of studfarm.
stud␣farms n. Plural of stud farm.
STUDFARM n. a horse-breeding farm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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