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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing D, F, L, R and Y

DAYFLOWERdayflower n. Any of several plants, of the genus Commelina, whose flowers last only a day.
DAYFLOWER n. a genus consisting mostly of tropical perennial herbs, having ephemeral flowers.
DEFRAYALSdefrayals n. Plural of defrayal.
DEFRAYAL n. the payment of charges, also DEFRAYMENT.
DIREFULLYdirefully adv. In a direful manner.
DIREFUL adv. dreadful.
DRAGONFLYdragonfly n. An insect of the suborder Epiprocta or, more strictly, the infraorder Anisoptera, having four long transparent…
DRAGONFLY n. a predaceous long-bodied often brilliantly-coloured insect of the Odonata.
FAIRYLANDfairyland n. The imaginary land or abode of fairies.
fairyland n. Any place of great natural beauty, or having a magical atmosphere.
fairyland adj. Having qualities ascribed to fairies and their realm; fanciful, delicate, surreal, or diminutive.
FEDERALLYfederally adv. In a federal manner.
FEDERAL adv. relating to or consisting of a treaty or covenant.
FLORIDITYfloridity n. (Uncountable) The property of being florid.
floridity n. (Countable) Something florid.
FLORIDITY n. the state of being florid, also FLORIDNESS.
FLYBRIDGEflybridge n. A flying bridge.
FLYBRIDGE n. an open deck on a cabin cruiser.
FLYRODDERflyrodder n. An angler who fishes with a flyrod.
FLYRODDER n. an angler using artificial fly.
FOOLHARDYfoolhardy adj. Marked by unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger; boldly rash; hotheaded.
foolhardy n. A person who is foolhardy.
FOOLHARDY adj. recklessly brave.
FORTYFOLDfortyfold adj. By a multiple of forty; by forty times as much or as many.
fortyfold adv. By a factor of forty.
FORTYFOLD adj. multiplied forty times over.
FORWARDLYforwardly adv. In a forward manner.
FORWARD adv. towards the future.
FROWARDLYfrowardly adv. In a froward manner.
FROWARD adv. (archaic) habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition.
HYDROFOILhydrofoil n. (Nautical) A wing attached to the hull of a ship that raises it out of the water when travelling at…
hydrofoil n. (Nautical) A vessel equipped with such a device.
hydrofoil v. (Nautical) To operate or use or ride atop a hydrofoil wing on a hull so equipped.
PALFREYEDpalfreyed adj. (Archaic) Mounted on a palfrey.
PALFREYED adj. riding on a palfrey, a saddle horse.
REFINEDLYrefinedly adv. In a refined manner.
REFINED adv. REFINE, to free from impurities.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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