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There are 19 nine-letter words containing D, F, H, I and R

ARCHFIENDarchfiend n. A chief fiend (devil, demon or monster).
archfiend n. (Preceded by “the”, often capitalized) Satan.
archfiend n. (Transferred sense) A diabolically evil person.
CHONDRIFYchondrify v. (Transitive, intransitive) To convert, or be converted, into cartilage.
CHONDRIFY v. to convert, or be converted, into cartilage.
FAIRYHOODfairyhood n. The state or period of being a fairy.
FAIRYHOOD n. the state of being a fairy.
FIRSTHANDfirsthand adj. Direct, without intermediate stages.
firsthand adj. Not previously owned or used; contrasted with secondhand.
firsthand adv. Directly or from personal experience.
FORHAILEDFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
FORHOOIEDFORHOOIE v. (Scots) to desert or abandon, also FORHOW, FORHOO.
FREIGHTEDfreighted adj. (Also figuratively) Loaded with cargo; charged.
freighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of freight.
FREIGHT v. to load with goods for transportation.
FURBISHEDfurbished v. Simple past tense and past participle of furbish.
furbished adj. Polished, burnished.
furbished adj. Reconditioned.
FURNISHEDfurnished v. Simple past tense and past participle of furnish.
furnished adj. Equipped with whatever is needed.
furnished adj. Supplied with furniture.
HEADFIRSTheadfirst adv. With the head in front; headlong.
headfirst adv. Rashly; precipitately; without deliberation; hastily.
headfirst adj. With the head in front; headlong.
HORRIFIEDhorrified adj. Struck with horror.
horrified v. Simple past tense and past participle of horrify.
HORRIFY v. to cause a reaction of horror.
HYDROFOILhydrofoil n. (Nautical) A wing attached to the hull of a ship that raises it out of the water when travelling at…
hydrofoil n. (Nautical) A vessel equipped with such a device.
hydrofoil v. (Nautical) To operate or use or ride atop a hydrofoil wing on a hull so equipped.
REDFISHESredfishes n. Plural of redfish.
REDFISH n. the blueback salmon of the north Pacific, aka nerka.
REDSHIFTSredshifts n. Plural of redshift.
red␣shifts n. Plural of red shift.
REDSHIFT n. the displacement of the light a receding object emits toward the red end of the spectrum.
RODFISHERrodfisher n. An angler who fishes with a rod.
RODFISHER n. one who fishes by rod.
SWORDFISHswordfish n. A large marine fish with a long, pointed bill, Xiphias gladius.
swordfish n. A sudoku technique involving possible cell locations for a digit, or pair, or triple, in uniquely three…
swordfish v. To fish for swordfish.
THREADFINthreadfin n. Any of many perciform fish of the family Polynemidae.
THREADFIN n. any small, spiny-finned tropical fish of the family Polynemidae, with five threads on its pectoral fins.
THURIFIEDthurified v. Simple past tense and past participle of thurify.
THURIFY v. to perfume with incense.
UNDERFISHunderfish v. To fish less than would still be sustainable; to underuse (an area) for fishing.
UNDERFISH v. to fish insufficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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