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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing D, 2F, I and O

AFFORDINGaffording v. Present participle of afford.
AFFORD v. to have sufficient means for.
COIFFUREDcoiffured v. Simple past tense and past participle of coiffure.
COIFFURE v. (French) to style the hair, also COIF, COIFFE.
DAFFODILSdaffodils n. Plural of daffodil.
DAFFODIL n. a yellow-flowered narcissus, also DAFFADOWNDILLY, DAFFODILLY.
DIFFUSIONdiffusion n. The act of diffusing or dispersing something, or the property of being diffused or dispersed; dispersion.
diffusion n. (Physics) The scattering of light by reflection from a rough surface, or by passage through a translucent medium.
diffusion n. (Physics) The intermingling of the molecules of a fluid due to random thermal agitation.
DIFFUSORSdiffusors n. Plural of diffusor.
DIFFUSOR n. one that diffuses, also DIFFUSER.
FIFTYFOLDfiftyfold adj. By a multiple of fifty; by fifty times as much or as many.
fiftyfold adv. By a factor of fifty.
FIFTYFOLD adj. multiplied fifty times over.
FIREFLOODFIREFLOOD n. a method of extracting oil from a well by burning some of the oil to increase the flow.
FORFAIREDFORFAIR v. (obsolete) to perish or decay.
FORFEITEDforfeited v. Simple past tense and past participle of forfeit.
FORFEIT v. to lose the right to by fault or penalty.
FORTIFIEDfortified v. Simple past tense and past participle of fortify.
fortified n. A fortified wine.
fortified adj. Having strong defenses.
GIRAFFOIDgiraffoid n. Any animal similar to a giraffe.
GIRAFFOID adj. of or like a giraffe, also GIRAFFINE, GIRAFFISH.
INFEOFFEDinfeoffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of infeoff.
INFEOFF v. to invest with a feudal property, also ENFEOFF.
OFFENDINGoffending v. Present participle of offend.
offending n. The act of committing an offence.
offending adj. Responsible; to be blamed.
OFFICEREDofficered v. Simple past tense and past participle of officer.
OFFICER v. to command or lead.
OFFSIDERSoffsiders n. Plural of offsider.
OFFSIDER n. (Australian) a bullock-driver's assistant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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