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There are 18 nine-letter words containing D, 2F and 2I

AFFIDAVITaffidavit n. (Law) A signed document wherein an affiant makes a sworn statement.
AFFIDAVIT n. (Latin) a written statement, confirmed by oath, to be used as evidence.
CLIFFSIDEcliffside n. The side of a cliff.
CLIFFSIDE n. the side of a cliff.
DIFFERINGdiffering v. Present participle of differ.
differing n. Difference.
differing adj. (Formal) unlike, dissimilar, distinct; that which differs.
DIFFICILEdifficile adj. (Obsolete) Hard to work with; stubborn.
difficile adj. (Obsolete) Difficult.
DIFFICILE adj. (French) difficult.
DIFFICULTdifficult adj. Hard, not easy, requiring much effort.
difficult adj. (Often of a person, or a horse, etc) Hard to manage, uncooperative, troublesome.
difficult adj. (Obsolete) Unable or unwilling.
DIFFIDENTdiffident adj. (Archaic) Lacking confidence in others; distrustful.
diffident adj. Lacking self-confidence; timid; modest.
DIFFIDENT adj. hesitant in acting or speaking.
DIFFUSINGdiffusing v. Present participle of diffuse.
diffusing adj. (Of a category) broken down so that its elements are placed in its most specific subset available.
DIFFUSE v. to spread widely or thinly.
DIFFUSIONdiffusion n. The act of diffusing or dispersing something, or the property of being diffused or dispersed; dispersion.
diffusion n. (Physics) The scattering of light by reflection from a rough surface, or by passage through a translucent medium.
diffusion n. (Physics) The intermingling of the molecules of a fluid due to random thermal agitation.
DIFFUSIVEdiffusive adj. That is spread or dispersed across a wide area or among a large number of people.
diffusive adj. Involving or employing many words; expansive, discursive; (in negative sense) long-winded.
diffusive adj. That diffuses something; disseminating.
DISAFFIRMdisaffirm v. To deny, contradict or repudiate.
DISAFFIRM v. to assert the contrary of; to contradict.
FALSIFIEDfalsified adj. Demonstrated to be false.
falsified v. Simple past tense and past participle of falsify.
FALSIFY v. to misrepresent.
FANCIFIEDfancified v. Simple past tense and past participle of fancify.
fancified adj. (Colloquial) Made fancy.
FANCIFY v. to make fancy.
FARCIFIEDfarcified v. Simple past tense and past participle of farcify.
FARCIFY v. to turn into a farce.
FISHIFIEDfishified v. Simple past tense and past participle of fishify.
FISHIFY v. (Shakespeare) to turn into fish.
FORTIFIEDfortified v. Simple past tense and past participle of fortify.
fortified n. A fortified wine.
fortified adj. Having strong defenses.
FRUTIFIEDfrutified v. Simple past tense and past participle of frutify.
FRUTIFY v. (Shakespeare) Launcelot Gobbo's blunder for notify.
GIRAFFIDSgiraffids n. Plural of giraffid.
GIRAFFID n. a member of the giraffe family (giraffes and okapis).
GIRAFFOIDgiraffoid n. Any animal similar to a giraffe.
GIRAFFOID adj. of or like a giraffe, also GIRAFFINE, GIRAFFISH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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