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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing D, N, R, S and V

DIVINERSdiviners n. Plural of diviner.
DIVINER n. one who divines.
DRIVINGSdrivings n. Plural of driving.
DRIVING n. the act of driving.
DROVINGSDROVING n. the action of herding cattle.
DVORNIKSdvorniks n. Plural of dvornik.
DVORNIK n. (Russian) a Russian concierge or porter.
INVADERSinvaders n. Plural of invader.
INVADER n. one that invades.
INVERSEDinversed v. Simple past tense and past participle of inverse.
INVERSE v. to turn something into the opposite.
PROVANDSprovands n. Plural of provand.
PROVAND n. an allowance of food, also PROVEND, PROVENDER, PROVIANT.
PROVENDSprovends n. Plural of provend.
PROVEND n. an allowance of food, also PROVAND, PROVENDER, PROVIANT.
SANDIVERsandiver n. A scum that forms on molten glass.
SANDIVER n. scum formed on molten glass.
UNSERVEDunserved adj. Not served.
unserved adj. (Law) yet to be served (prison sentence).
UNSERVED adj. not served.
UNVERSEDunversed adj. Inexperienced, untrained.
unversed adj. Not expressed in verse, unversified.
UNVERSED adj. not versed.
VERANDASverandas n. Plural of veranda.
VERANDA n. (Hindi) a roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front or side of a building, also VERANDAH, VIRANDA, VIRANDO.
VIRANDASvirandas n. Plural of viranda.
VIRANDA n. (Hindi) a roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front or side of a building, also VERANDA, VERANDAH, VIRANDO.
VIRANDOSvirandos n. Plural of virando.
VIRANDO n. (Hindi) a roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front or side of a building, also VERANDA, VERANDAH, VIRANDA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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