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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, 3N and U

DUNNAKINdunnakin n. (Uncommon) Alternative form of dunnekin (“outhouse”).
DUNNAKIN n. an outside lavatory, also DUNNY, DONNIKER.
DUNNINGSdunnings n. Plural of dunning.
Dunnings prop.n. Plural of Dunning.
DUNNING n. the act of dunning, pressing for payment.
INNUENDOinnuendo n. A derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing. An implication, intimation or insinuation.
innuendo n. (Logic) A rhetorical device with an omitted, but obvious conclusion, made to increase the force of an argument.
innuendo n. (Law) Part of a pleading in cases of libel and slander, pointing out what and who was meant by the libellous…
INUNDANTinundant adj. Overflowing.
INUNDANT adj. overflowing.
NUNDINALnundinal adj. Of or pertaining to a nundine.
nundinal n. A nundinal letter.
NUNDINAL n. any of the letters from A to H relating to days of the ancient Roman calendar.
NUNDINESnundines n. Plural of nundine.
nundines n. Alternative form of nundine.
NUNDINE n. (Latin) the ancient Roman market-day, every eighth day.
UNBANNEDunbanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unban.
UNBAN v. to remove a prohibition against.
UNCANNEDuncanned adj. Not canned.
uncanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncan.
UNCANNED adj. not canned.
UNENDINGunending adj. Not ending; having no end; eternal.
UNENDING adj. not ending.
UNFANNEDunfanned adj. Not fanned.
UNFANNED adj. not fanned.
UNKENNEDunkenned adj. (Scotland) Unknown.
UNKENNED adj. unknown, strange, also UNKEND, UNKENT.
UNMANNEDunmanned adj. Not operated by a person or a crew.
unmanned adj. Of a bird of prey: not accustomed to the presence of human beings.
unmanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unman.
UNNANELDUNNANELD adj. (Shakespeare) without extreme unction, also UNANELED.
UNPENNEDunpenned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unpen.
unpenned adj. Unwritten.
UNPEN v. to release from confinement.
UNPINNEDunpinned v. Simple past tense and past participle of unpin.
unpinned adj. Not pinned.
UNPIN v. to remove the pins from.
UNSUNNEDunsunned adj. Not having been exposed to the sun.
UNSUNNED adj. not exposed to sun.
UNTANNEDuntanned adj. Not tanned.
UNTANNED adj. not tanned.
UNTINNEDuntinned adj. Not coated with tin.
untinned adj. Not packaged in a tin; uncanned.
untinned v. Simple past tense and past participle of untin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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