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There are 20 eight-letter words containing D, M, 2R and U

ARMGUARDarmguard n. A protective cover for the arm.
ARMGUARD n. a covering to protect the arm.
ARMOUREDarmoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of armour.
armoured adj. Possessing, wearing, or fitted out with armour.
armoured adj. (Military) Equipped with armoured vehicles.
DEMURRALdemurral n. The act of demurring.
demurral n. (Law) A formal objection.
DEMURRAL n. the act of demurring.
DEMURREDdemurred v. Simple past tense and past participle of demur.
DEMUR v. to object.
DEMURRERdemurrer n. (Law) A motion by a party to an action, for the immediate or summary judgment of the court on the question…
demurrer n. Someone who demurs.
DEMURRER n. one who demurs.
DRUMFIREdrumfire n. Heavy, continuous, rapid gunfire.
DRUMFIRE n. massed artillery fire with a rolling sound.
DRUMLIERDRUMLY adj. (Scots) turbid, muddy, gloomy.
DRUMMERSdrummers n. Plural of drummer.
Drummers prop.n. Plural of Drummer.
DRUMMER n. one who plays a drum.
DRUMROLLdrumroll n. Alternative spelling of drum roll.
drum␣roll n. A sound produced by hitting a drum repeatedly and rhythmically over short intervals.
DRUMROLL n. a roll played on a drum.
DUMMERERdummerer n. (Obsolete) One who pretends to be unable to speak.
DUMMERER n. somebody who pretends to be dumb in order to appear a more deserving beggar.
EARDRUMSeardrums n. Plural of eardrum.
ear␣drums n. Plural of ear drum.
EARDRUM n. the tympanic membrane.
JUMARREDjumarred v. Simple past tense and past participle of jumar.
JUMAR v. to climb using ropes and clips.
MARAUDERmarauder n. Someone who moves about in roving fashion looking for plunder.
marauder n. Any person who or thing which marauds.
MARAUDER n. one who marauds.
MURDEREDmurdered v. Simple past tense and past participle of murder.
murdered adj. That has been murdered.
MURDER v. to kill unlawfully with premeditated malice.
MURDEREEmurderee n. A murder victim.
MURDEREE n. one who is murdered.
MURDERERmurderer n. A person who commits murder.
MURDERER n. one who murders.
MURMUREDmurmured v. Simple past tense and past participle of murmur.
MURMUR v. to make a subdued muttered sound.
RUMOUREDrumoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of rumour.
RUMOUR v. to spread by hearsay, also RUMOR.
UNDERARMunderarm n. The armpit.
underarm n. (Cricket) Old-fashioned and now outlawed style of bowling in which the arm is not swung over the shoulder.
underarm adj. For use under the arm.
UNMARREDunmarred adj. Undamaged; not marred.
UNMARRED adj. not marred.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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